Reed Fish?

I'v just got 4. one died after a day for no reason. I now have 3 which are doing fine. they do prefer to be kept in small groups. They will also take small fish so make sure that there are no fish that the think they can swallow. one more thing, they are great escape artists and can get throught the smallest of holes so you will need to plug and gaps in the covers.

ste :)
I used to have a reedfish but got too big for my tank. He was great he hid most of the day, ate anything, one of the best fish i've had. But sadly he got to over 30cm and i only had a 60cm tank (at that point).

in the wild they can get to 90cm!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

hey how big to reed fish get wots the minimum tank for them in galons??

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