Let's see, the sustitle of this thread is "mmmm, I don't know" Methinks I do know, this is laughable. Their real webpage is full of scientific buzzwords that are only vaguely put into real sentences.
For example, "As reactivity decreases, so does the rate of diffusion of toxins and nutrients through water." Ummm, if you have a filter return, or power head, or bubble wall, or even an undergravel filter diffusion is almost negligible. Advection (via the currents) is most likely dominant. Even the heat off the heaters will make convection currents that will most likely be greater in magnitude than the diffusion. Oh, and the flows are almost always turbulent, so the intrinsic diffusion constant is almost always overshadowed by the turbulent diffusion anyway.
And "The Earth's Magnetic Field and the Suns Radiating Wavelengths are natural forces which contribute to the missing links in achieving aquarium perfection." We keep the sun off our tanks for any period of time (algae!) and most of the dangerous radiation we are protected from by the ozone layer. And anything that supposedly drawn power from the earth's magnetic field would not fit in our aquarium. The length scale makes this almost impossible. I mean, look at the ratio of the length of this device or the length of your aquarium to the length of the earth's radius or diameter. And then would you have to align your tank N to S?
This pseudoscience is like a lot of things, just someone trying to make some quick money by telling you what you want to hear.