Mostly New Member
Hello everyone!
I need some help figuring out what is going on with my Redtail. I have had this guy for over a year, he is probably around 5inches long and is the biggest fish in the tank. This morning when I woke up I noticed him behaving differently. He is acting very lethargic, and isnt as active as he was last night and he is currently upside down on his back and breathing heavily.
I did a water check, Ammonia is 0.25, Nitrites are 0 and Nitrates are 0.
He is in a 75 Gallon tank that contains 100% RO water. Which has Equilibrium in it as it is a planted tank. (this is a change for him as his previous tank had much harder water, however, he was drip adapted for 3 hours before being added to his new home)
His tank mates include 6 tiger barbs.4 red serpae tetras, 1 galaxy pleco and 3 clown loaches. He is certainly isn't being bullied.
Appearance wise, his belly is going white, his red tail which was a vibrate red last night is now pale, and his black scales are faded, with a few odd patches of white... I believe this may be a fungus but I am not 100% sure as I am not seeing any "hair" growth on these patches. Nevertheless, I have added some Pimafix to the tank just to be on the safe side.
No new fish were added to this tank recently, however, I did add several new aquatic plants. However, not sure if they could have an impact on his health so quickly and not the other tank inhabitants.
Please help and let me know what I can do to correct this!
I will upload some pics when I get home to provide a better image of the state he is in.
I need some help figuring out what is going on with my Redtail. I have had this guy for over a year, he is probably around 5inches long and is the biggest fish in the tank. This morning when I woke up I noticed him behaving differently. He is acting very lethargic, and isnt as active as he was last night and he is currently upside down on his back and breathing heavily.
I did a water check, Ammonia is 0.25, Nitrites are 0 and Nitrates are 0.
He is in a 75 Gallon tank that contains 100% RO water. Which has Equilibrium in it as it is a planted tank. (this is a change for him as his previous tank had much harder water, however, he was drip adapted for 3 hours before being added to his new home)
His tank mates include 6 tiger barbs.4 red serpae tetras, 1 galaxy pleco and 3 clown loaches. He is certainly isn't being bullied.
Appearance wise, his belly is going white, his red tail which was a vibrate red last night is now pale, and his black scales are faded, with a few odd patches of white... I believe this may be a fungus but I am not 100% sure as I am not seeing any "hair" growth on these patches. Nevertheless, I have added some Pimafix to the tank just to be on the safe side.
No new fish were added to this tank recently, however, I did add several new aquatic plants. However, not sure if they could have an impact on his health so quickly and not the other tank inhabitants.
Please help and let me know what I can do to correct this!
I will upload some pics when I get home to provide a better image of the state he is in.