Addicted and in Therapy
Alright, a tried-to-shorten bit of history. My 6 gallon had platies, cherry barbs, and gouramis in it. Cherry barbs had Camallanus worms very badly... platies ended up showing them too. Moved gouramis to 5.5 quarantine, treated 6 gallon with Levamisole, then Pipzine internally. (Many thanks to Lateral Line for his amazing support and knowledge throughout this time!) Finally got rid of the parasites, only lost the male cherry barb. Also during this same period, I planted the tank with live plants. Problem is, they all mostly died due to the medications and also due to the fact that they arrived like 3 days late and were half dead when they got here (ordered them).
Now I have about 3 live plants left... and one decoration. Tank looks ugly. I don't like it!!
I need to fix it!
*pant pant* There. Ok, so algae is an issue, as is just plain ugly-ness. I really want to redo the entire tank and get it really clean, as it got pretty bad with all the plant issues. However, I don't want to cycle again. Is there any way I can go about this safely? Such as, keeping some of the gravel without washing it, and then returning it to the tank, and keeping the same filter media? Is that enough? This is gonna be a big and annoying job, but it has to be done, and I need to do it soon. My croaking and sparkling gouramis are still in the 5.5 tank and are gonna need to be moved so I can have room for betta falx.
Suggestions, advice, and overall help required!
Thanks all.
Now I have about 3 live plants left... and one decoration. Tank looks ugly. I don't like it!!

*pant pant* There. Ok, so algae is an issue, as is just plain ugly-ness. I really want to redo the entire tank and get it really clean, as it got pretty bad with all the plant issues. However, I don't want to cycle again. Is there any way I can go about this safely? Such as, keeping some of the gravel without washing it, and then returning it to the tank, and keeping the same filter media? Is that enough? This is gonna be a big and annoying job, but it has to be done, and I need to do it soon. My croaking and sparkling gouramis are still in the 5.5 tank and are gonna need to be moved so I can have room for betta falx.

Suggestions, advice, and overall help required!