Redhook fish


New Member
Sep 1, 2003
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I am going to set up a 75 gallon bow front aquarium that has been drilled for a tide pool filtration system. I'm not interested in live plants, so I'll have the standard lighting.

I want to start out with redhooks. I've seen some at a local pet store and know that's what I want. But there's a problem, no one seems to know exactly what they are, where they come from, what fish would hang with them in a natural environment or what fish might be suitable tankmates.

I'm being told they're pacus, silver dollars and one pissant store employee even told me they were fruit eating piranha. The internet is no help either - one site says one thing where another says just the opposite.

When I dogpiled the word redhook, I found a link to here, someone was saying they were silver dollars and had a picture that looked just like these fish that I want.

What do you guys know about redhooks? Any information will be appreciated.

:hyper: ;)
I loved that description of them "Traumatogenic". That's pseudo-Latin for "Likely to produce injury" :lol:

Why don't they just say "Can give you a really nasty bite" ?
Not exactly sure w/o a scientific name but if it's Myleus rubripinnis it is the Red Hook Silver Dollar.
They're peaceful and from what I've read online a while ago they get 12-13". Mine only got to about 8" and some only 7" at maturity. They like to school so I would keep them with other Siver Dollars or Barbus schwanefeldi (Tinfoil Barbs). Remember schooling fish like at least 5 or 6 others to swim with to be happy so make sure before you get them that you will have the room later on. :)

But Tinfoil barbs get over a foot long themselves, even tho it takes quite a while to get there, so unless you plan on upgrading it will be hard for you to get much of a school going with Red Hook Silver Dollars or Tinfoil Barbs.

If possible tho, I highly recommend tinfoil barbs. They are beautiful fish, peaceful and very owner responsive. A very nice fish, imo.
:fish: I have 7 redhooks, one that I've had for over 7 years. The others, I've purchased over the past 2 months. My larger one was a rescue from a lady with a very very large built in aquarium that she and her husband had purchased with their house. This couple divorced, with the lady getting the house. She had never cared for the aquarium noise, so she flipped off the power to it. I came along several weeks later and rescued this stray fish, along with a couple of corys, carrying them home in a tupperware container. A few days later, I purchased a hundred gallon home for him, but only found out earlier this year what kind of fish he was.

This redhook has gotten to 7½ inches and is much older than I'll ever know, yet I never knew the region, water conditions or compatible tank mates that he needed, I never even knew what he was and still don't know if he's even a he. The only fish he's ever killed were a CAE and some tiger barbs, and that was because they pestered and nipped at him.

Anyway, I like my redhooks so much that I'm in the process of getting them a 150 gallon aquarium all their own.

Sorry for rambling.:D I just really like my fish and from what I've learned here on this site from pics, and from reading, they are silver dollars.

I googled and found nothing but contradictions and misinformation galore. So you did right by coming here, someone(like smb) will definitely be able to answer your questions.

I read your newbie thread and wanted to say that I found this place through Google. I was looking for info on Bichirs and found a link for this place.

Welcome aboard and sorry I wasn't much help. :drink:
Good post cory! :)

Everything helps and you gave some really good info to help us out. :)
smb said:
Good post cory! :)

Everything helps and you gave some really good info to help us out. :)
:fish: Aw, you're just saying that because I plugged you as someone who knows their
cory said:
smb said:
Good post cory! :)

Everything helps and you gave some really good info to help us out. :)
:fish: Aw, you're just saying that because I plugged you as someone who knows their
LOL. Actually I never saw you say that. I missed that part of your post until I just went back and reread it but thank you very much for the kind words. :)
smb said:
LOL.  Actually I never saw you say that.  I  missed that part of your post until I just went back and reread it but thank you very much for the kind words.  :)

:fish: Well, you know, some people just seem to pull their info out of the bottom of a Cracker Jack box, while some reply just to increase their post count. Whereas, someone like you, actually goes out of your way to try and be helpful.

Then of course, there's people like me, who just admit we're winging it. :D

*Edited because this post sounded really assholier-than-thou in review. 8)
Curiously, the same article that describes them as "Traumatogenic" include the phrase...

>>> Gregarious and non-aggressive

... with suitably sized tank mates, I don't ever recall having trouble with them.
They are a lovely larger community fish, they are tough to, I have 3 living with a 13" Jaguar and they can handle him, they are A Silver dollar and they will eat anything and it's a good isea to have a varied diet.
Being related to the Silver dollar, does make them a relative of the Piranha species.
Lateral Line said:
Curiously, the same article that describes them as "Traumatogenic" include the phrase...

>>> Gregarious and non-aggressive
I guess that goes right along with what Cory said about all the misinformation and contradictions that are out there. :blink:
Thanks for all the help guys!

I found out that my tank is actually 80 gallons, and even so, I don't think these are the fish for me. I really fell had for the ones at the local pet store, but I'm afraid I won't be able to give them a proper home.

I spent well more than I could afford for this new tank and filtration system, and I want to make this tank special, with fish that are suited to it's size. So I guess It's back to square one in my tank planning diary. :D
:fish: Astros fan, thanks for that link.

That is an interesting site, also nice that it links you to compatible tankmates for your fish.

I also found it interesting that if peat is used in the water, redhook silver dollars will grow larger than they might normally get in an aquarium.

The more info, the better. :drink:

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