Redfin shark/rainbow shark

females are bigger and fatter than males often growing a "buda belly"
while males (unless overfed) stay more slender :nod:
SConrad said:
okay, mine is pretty fat; but i have nothing else to compare it to so im not sure..
also males will have a pointier dorsal fin and brighter colours
males will also have faint black lines on the anal fin
the Albinos will have no faint lines. Don count on breeding them with out a HUGE tank like a 1200 gallon they are territorial and if they are close enought to see each other or moved into a new tank they will be too stressed to mate and will fight (symbolic fighting, headbuttind and full body pressing)
opcn said:
the Albinos will have no faint lines. Don count on breeding them with out a HUGE tank like a 1200 gallon they are territorial and if they are close enought to see each other or moved into a new tank they will be too stressed to mate and will fight (symbolic fighting, headbuttind and full body pressing)
oh wow :lol:
thats just how short my memory span is :blink:
i already forgot that it was an albino :X
Check out this link
its what i said earlier that males are slimmer but it has pictures
the top rainbow shark would be a female, where as the albino below it would be a male
hope i helped you out THIS time ;) :lol:

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