redesigning an established tank


Jun 16, 2003
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How does one go about redecorating / redesigning their tank once it's cycled and running and all?

I would really like to try some different gravel, but I know I shouldn't take all of it out at once, as i'd remove the majority of bacteria living in the tank. would it be smart to slowly change it out, and also leave some of the old gravel in there permanently?

The other thing is, what about the fish. If i drain my tank half way, (to make it easier to work) is it gonna be tons of stress on them, me working on the tank for awhile, moving stuff around? Would it make sense to take them out and put them in another tank while I am working?

Maybe there's something on the web about it. But I'd just like to know the best plan if I redecorate my tank.

- kip
Hi Skiltrip.

Replacing the gravel is going to be messy. You could just put the new gravel on top of the old.
Yup - have to agree with Dolphin. Changing gravel with inhabitants is likely to be too much greif for the tank chemistry and occupants.

Do not recommend laying sand over gravel as I have tried this and all the gasses get sealed in the gravel by the sand and upset the tanks balance.
I agree with the others,changing the substrate of a established tank is going to cause all sorts of problems unless you have another tank to transfer the fish into for a couple of weeks
I may not be an expert like the others above but I think you should leave the old gravel in to and over it with new. -_- I guess you can take some garavel out but leave most of them in there. Also put the fishes in another tank because as you are working, imagine all the water swishing back and forth. They will just be in your way and slow you down if you leave them there. Also there is stress to consider. :crazy:

Good luck! Of course, once you are done, post the pix! :D

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