Redecorated my fry tank!


Fish Addict
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Pet of the Month 🎖️
Jul 23, 2021
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I use a 10 gallon for my fry~ and as most of y’all probably know, decorations make catching fry a NIGHTMARE.

So I tried to figure out a set up that was open but still provided hiding places for the skittish (fry only tank. So unless the snails go on a murderous rampage there’s no threats)

And I gotta say I’m kinda digging the minimalist look

Now story time cause it was so ridiculous that I’m still stumped over it:

I was removing some of the bigger older fry yesterday to their permanent homes. In the picture you can see my 55 gallon which is right next to the fry tank. Well, I put the storage containers I use to temp adjust them on the lid of the 55 gallon, since it’s a convenient place to quickly transfer netted fish. And usually it goes perfectly.

But yesterday , I net out a large female fry, and as I was about to transfer her into the cup, SHE JUMPED OUT OF THE NET. I haven’t had a guppy jump in over a year. And I panicked thinking she was going to land in the floor which is a steep drop. But rather she landed on the lid, but my relief only lasted for a couple seconds. Because before I could properly react and get her, she flopped in rapid fire to the filter hole in the lid and fell into the 55 gallon and torpedoed behind a plant💀

Which. Pros: she’s in a tank. There’s lots of hiding places. Cons: tank is 2° warmer than hers. It’s full of angelfish who do not care for guppies. Haven’t seen her since.

So I hope she’s okay. But a bit of a ridiculous situation.
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I use a 10 gallon for my fry~ and as most of y’all probably know, decorations make catching fry a NIGHTMARE.

So I tried to figure out a set up that was open but still provided hiding places for the skittish (fry only tank. So unless the snails go on a murderous rampage there’s no threats)

And I gotta say I’m kinda digging the minimalist look View attachment 309092

Now story time cause it was so ridiculous that I’m still stumped over it:

I was removing some of the bigger older fry yesterday to their permanent homes. In the picture you can see my 55 gallon which is right next to the fry tank. Well, I put the storage containers I use to temp adjust them on the lid of the 55 gallon, since it’s a convenient place to quickly transfer netted fish. And usually it goes perfectly.

But yesterday , I net out a large female fry, and as I was about to transfer her into the cup, SHE JUMPED OUT OF THE NET. I haven’t had a guppy jump in over a year. And I panicked thinking she was going to land in the floor which is a steep drop. But rather she landed on the lid, but my relief only lasted for a couple seconds. Because before I could properly react and get her, she flopped in rapid fire to the filter hole in the lid and fell into the 55 gallon and torpedoed behind a plant💀

Which. Pros: she’s in a tank. There’s lots of hiding places. Cons: tank is 2° warmer than hers. It’s full of angelfish who do not care for guppies. Haven’t seen her since.

So I hope she’s okay. But a bit of a ridiculous situation.
i love that fern so much
it looks so cool, I've never seen a fern growing like that before(since i never succeded in growing java ferns )
I hope the little guppy is ok, and that you can find her soon!
a little warmer temperature is better than a little colder temperature difference
Is that java moss that I see in the 55? It looks to be covered in mulm. That can keep it from growing proper. You can shake it during water changes to help pick some of that up.
i love that fern so much
it looks so cool, I've never seen a fern growing like that before(since i never succeded in growing java ferns )
I hope the little guppy is ok, and that you can find her soon!
a little warmer temperature is better than a little colder temperature difference
I have a second fern that size in another tank and I love it! They have lots of babies but their growth is sooooooooooooo sllllllllooooooooooooooow

Is that java moss that I see in the 55? It looks to be covered in mulm. That can keep it from growing proper. You can shake it during water changes to help pick some of that up.
Is THAT what the brown powdery stuff is? Do you know what causes it? It’s a little bit of everywhere.
This particular tuft could use some nerfed Growth though LOL
That's a good fry tank. If you had to travel, they could go a week feeding themselves on micro-organisms.

As for the Olympic air diver, I have never seen a fish harmed by an increase in water temps. Going to lower is dangerous, but a 3 degree celsius shift over 24 hours is easy for them to handle. Species from shallow water handle even larger shifts.
I have a second fern that size in another tank and I love it! They have lots of babies but their growth is sooooooooooooo sllllllllooooooooooooooow

Is THAT what the brown powdery stuff is? Do you know what causes it? It’s a little bit of everywhere. View attachment 309112This particular tuft could use some nerfed Growth though LOL
I'm pretty sure its just waste that has built up. If I could figure out a way to stop I would be very happy. The best that ive found is to just suck as much up during wc's.
I have a second fern that size in another tank and I love it! They have lots of babies but their growth is sooooooooooooo sllllllllooooooooooooooow

Is THAT what the brown powdery stuff is? Do you know what causes it? It’s a little bit of everywhere. View attachment 309112This particular tuft could use some nerfed Growth though LOL
It's hard to say excactly what the mulm is, but its basically like dust settling in a room. you can just wipe it off of the plants and it will be gone for a while.
I'm pretty sure its just waste that has built up. If I could figure out a way to stop I would be very happy. The best that ive found is to just suck as much up during wc's.
I have a tank with very high internal flow, and only dead bits of plants get caught on other plant sometimes, never mulm, but maybe the cories are helping the plants wipe off mulm
o I hope she’s okay. But a bit of a ridiculous situation.
Just saw her today!

She vanished seconds after I saw her but she’s there! Almost as big as the cherry barbs now. Guppies grow so rapidly in the 55 💀

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