Fish Connoisseur
I picked up two black phantom juvies a couple of months ago to add to my shoal. I saw the lfs put one he netted back and say, "no this one," and net a different one.
The new phantoms, still juvies, are showing more and more red tint to them and reddish finnage (the bottom one?). One of the two is almost the color of my bleeding hearts. Only he has the marks of a black phantom: the black top knot, and the neon on the stripes at the gills is pronounced.
Has anyone seen this, or familiar with it?
The new phantoms, still juvies, are showing more and more red tint to them and reddish finnage (the bottom one?). One of the two is almost the color of my bleeding hearts. Only he has the marks of a black phantom: the black top knot, and the neon on the stripes at the gills is pronounced.
Has anyone seen this, or familiar with it?