Redbetta Is Officially Giving Up


Aug 8, 2005
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Gah, yeah title says it all once again. These fry from the first spawn all died within the 5 days again and the eggs from the second spawn never hatched, I think he ate them. Either way I don't know what I am doing wrong, so I think it might just be the water here. I am extremely frustrated and rather heartbroken cause seriously I hate seeing them die, it's just so awful, so for right now I think it's best I don't try to breed anymore. :( It's so disappointing that out of 9 times you have fry 3 times and they all die within a week.
Awwwwww...That sucks :/ . I was looking forward to seeing those fry. Dont give up though! Keep your head up high...
Awww - i'm so sorry redbetta....maybe don't give up for good but take a break - maybe it's the weather. Maybe try again in the summer when it's warmer or something. On the other hand if you feel breeding is not for you, then that's a good choice. There's something better for you to try your hand at.
I'm sorry about your spawns though, i know what it's like to lose fry and entire's tough, but the way i think about it. There's always a reason, maybe they'd always be sick or weak etc.
It just makes loss easier for me.
Awww, I hate to see someone give up, but I know you've been trying for some time now. Maybe what you need to do, if you still think you might want to try again, is re-evaluate your setup, your procedures, and maybe even the fish you're using. Maybe you're just too close to the situation and there's some step that you're overlooking or something that you're missing. You could post your step by step process from how you choose the pair (and where the pairs come from), what your set up is like (water parameters, water temperature, whether your water goes through a water softener or is from some outside source, tank size and decor, etc), how and when you add the female, when you remove the male, how and what you're feeding them, how much and how often you're doing water changes, etc. Just throwing out some ideas of things to go back and really look at, see if you can find the source of the problem. If breeding is something you think you really want to do, maybe we can help you find the problem and fix it so you can have a successful spawn.
Aww that sucks, but if it is any consultation my betta mentor told me that any mass deaths between days 5-7 are due to either a0 feeding probs or B) water probs. Usually being under or overfeeding, and very dirty water or too drastic water fluctuations. Not sure if that applies in your case, but it might be a place to start thinking.

Best wishes, hope eventually you will find another spawn, I know the deaths suck I also take each one personally. Hugs
Aww red betta, sorry to hear but dont give up permanently. Not everyone(or every betta for that matter) gets it right. My first spawn attempt, only 8 survived out of a possible 250+ eggs.
I hope you do try it again, its so rewarding.
I'm sorry to hear that >_< I honestly can't blame you though, you've tried so hard. Definitely try taking your tap water into an aquarium store to test it for any chemicals. You deserve a break from your efforts!! I hope in the future you have big successes.

I honestly don't know how I managed to have so many survivors... I'm a clutz. I think a lot of it is luck and circumstance, when you're starting out.
Thanks guys,
actually I've had the water tested and such and they said it was fine. It could be so many things you know. I might just have to try some different fish too, and sure I think luck is a thing to count as well. We'll see I guess, school right now is kind of stressful and I am pretty sick, so my fish will just be my pets for now I guess:) At least I tried, right?
Take a step back. . . and relax, try again when you feel less frustrated. . . I can only imagine how mad I would be if the spawn kept dying.

Better luck next time.
No need to make a final decision... take a break for now, and start up again when you feel like it.

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