Red Zebra Danio

If you mean a Zebra Danio like fish but with orange/red anal dorsal and caudal fin markings, you probably have Danio kyathit which is a sturdy tough fish.

There are also glo-fish Danios which are genetically modified Zebras which exhibit a reddish glow over their body - I don't know about those, although I would assume they are as tough as the regular Zebras

Or do you have something else? There are other reddish Danios, but not necessarily Zebras.
yep glo-fish(tm)
I personally don't like them but each to their own
if you wish to find out about them try the website
there have been a few threads on this forum too so use search for glowfish
I recently bought 5 leopard danios for my new tank. My son gave me one from his tank ( the last one from a little school he had for ages ), I asked the man in the fish shop why my sons one had a pinky/orange tinge to it ( it was normal coloured when purchased ) & he reckoned it was probably a mature male. When my son first had his tank we knew nothing about cycling & so his danios helped to cycle the tank so I guess they are quite hardy.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:

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