red wolf fish


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 31, 2003
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North Devon
my lfs has just got one of these. I have done a bit of research and found that they can grow to 18-20" and are extreemly agressive. are they rare and is £30.00 about the right price for these fish, and has anyone else kept on of these before? am thinking of getting him :wub: :)
Very nice fish and one i intend to keep once (if) i get my fish house sorted out. They are serious predators that will strike at anything in the tank no matter of size and will tear chunks of flesh off of larger fish to eat, deffinatley one to mind your hands with when doing tank maintainance!

Ive not seen the red variety on sale here before so i would say £30 is a fair price, a shop near me gets the common brown coloured variety in on occasion and they sell for around £18.

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