Red Whiptail Pleco


Scorched Earth
Jan 11, 2006
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Has anyone got any? I saw them at the LFS today, thought they were brilliant. Just wondered if anyone had any and what they were like. I'm taking bronze cory babies (from the fry tank) and bronze cory adults to the LFS, who will give me credit. I was looking at maybe getting these??? :hey:

Keep well, Carmen :D

I have 2 that i bought of paul_mts, i think i have a male and female as ones a lot wider than the other, they are great little fish, very active and always out during the day. Theres a profile on planetcatfish about them. Buy some you know you wanna :D

Emma :)
Thanks Emma1321

I think we will be getting some when we take the babies and adults to the LFS. How many do you think are a good number? Do you have anything special in your tank for them, like pipe or a cave? I have a huge piece of bogwood covered in java moss that the pandas spawn on.

Thanks again, Carmen :D :D

They are apparently easy to breed, someone on another forum i go on has a breeding group of 7. Actually i think shes from derby so they might be her babies you've seen in the shop. In with mine i have bogwood and a few rocks, they spend most of the time on the swordplants, wood or on the bottom of the tank. From what i've read they spawn in pipes like bristlenose plecs.

Emma :)
We took our corys to the LFS today and got some credit. So we got ourselves two red whiptails and a cute little albino bristlenose. They seem to have settled well. The two whiptails hang around together on our hydrapolysperma and the little BN is hard at work on the algae. Too cute. :wub:

The bigger of the red whiptails

Our little BN

Keep well
Carmen :D
Love the red whip tail he is gorgeous!! :wub: They don't get too big the whiptails do they?

Baby BN is very cute. He will look awesome when he gets bigger!
Love the red whip tail he is gorgeous!! :wub: They don't get too big the whiptails do they?

Baby BN is very cute. He will look awesome when he gets bigger!

Thanks Bex. The red whiptail doesn't get as big as the normal whiptail. They reach about 11cm where as the normal whiptail about 18cm. I can't wait for the baby BN to get bigger. He is so cute now, but will probably be cuter later too. :wub:
Looks like they are settling in well ;) I have breed these but as yet never managed to save the fry beyond a week. The main problem is getting them to feed as they are very lazy and won't actively go looking for food. I will persist though :)
Lovely fish :good: As much as I love whiptails though, I'm getting tired of them eating my plants :/ despite yummy Hikari Algae & Sinking wafers and plenty of other varied goodies.
Actually did laugh out loud this time. Or rather, snorted some of the tea I was drinking.

Anyway, try keeping a Panaque. They don't eat the plants. They just destroy the stems. And Java fern? They scrape it off so they can get to the oh-so-tasty wood underneath.



PS. Carmen, is it me, or are your plants looking a little chloritic? Ask someone in the plant section, but I think when you have all those white veins visible on the leaves, it means you need to add some fertiliser. I think it's iron deficiency.

Lovely fish :good: As much as I love whiptails though, I'm getting tired of them eating my plants :/ despite yummy Hikari Algae & Sinking wafers and plenty of other varied goodies.
Thanks Neale

I'll have a word with Alex. The plants are his thing. I'll get him to ask in the planted section.

Cheers, Carmen :D
Hi AlexandCarmen

Just wondered if you could let me know a bit more about your red whiptail. I'd like to get 2 for our new tank and just love how these guys look. Never seen them in my LFS though so would have to get them to order me some in. Are they L010a? They are labelled as this and called Red Lizard Cats in in my pleco/catfish book I have and just wondered if this is the same?

I really want 2 and would like my LFS to get me a male and female. In an earlier post Bloo said they eat her plants, is your guy doing the same? Are they quite active in the day? I like the fact they stay small and think they will look amazing in my new tank!!

Any extra info on what these guys are like would be a great help! Also, was he expensive?

Thanks guys!


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