red water????????


New Member
Oct 27, 2002
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hey everyone i got a petshop i've dealt with a million problem's but this one has me baffled... i got prolly 4 tetra tanks and 2 gourami tanks and one fancy guppy tank that the water has gone RED in? now at first i didnt think nothing of it figuring that myh little brother medicated the water with something but when i asked him he said he didnt and niether did my partner so... i did a waterchange thinkin that might help the color(note that no fish are sick or dying in ANY of these tanks) but the waterchange did nothing for this problem so i waited a few days and did yet another waterchange still no big change. does anyone have any clue as to whats causing this red coloration on the water.. i dont think its the water i'm using due to the fact that its one happening in 7 out of 34 of my tanks.and i do frequent waterchanges...regularly

any help would be greatly appreciated in this matter
hiya faze and welcome to the forum, sorry i can't help you no idea what it could be , but i'm sure some one will have an answer for you soon, :)
Do you have bogwood in the tank? If its sort of an orangey/yellowy colour then that could be the reason as it leaches tannins into the water. But you didn't mention adding anything.

Welcome to the forum! Look forward to hearing more about your collection B)
Don't have a clue as to what may be causing it, but try adding fresh carbon to your filter and see if that will filter it out.

It may also be some type of algae bloom??????????????
Have u done anything different to those 7 tanks that u havent done to the others ?
i'll try switching the carbon on the filters i do have some anacharis spread out in a few of the other tanks but not the ones with the red coloration they all have aquaclear 150's running on them plus air
could you possibly be running off of well water and they are the first tanks to receive the new water? my inlaws runn off well water and sometimes it has a reddish tinge to it.

Faze, my greatest guess would be either algae, as the master suggested, or a bacteria bloom. Cessation of light and feeding for a couple of days usually gets you the upper hand.
well either way i got it straightened out :) i did yet another few water changes while testing out the the jungle buddies it seems that the water clear with multiple water water changes straightened that out (thank god)
but it was very abnormal :S
Glad to hear you got it sorted thanks for letting us know :thumbs:

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