Sorry if this is in wrong place - search for red water keeps crashing the forum.
I have had my water turn an orange/red recently. The guy who I bought some fish from says it's a bacterial bloom but other research doesn't confirm.
My tank was running fine but I added some plants and some fish from his aquarium. His set was amazing and he had the biggest external filter fluval makes so I don't think it's his water.
I was told I may have overfed but I have since fed once per 3 days and done regular water changes but still no change.
I have 160l of water, internal lift out filter, airiator, 3 plants, some drift wood, some slate, clean substrate (recently vacuumed) and it's not over stocked. Feeding flakes for the last 2 weeks but still no change.
I am a newbie even though I have read a lot (and learned little I suspect)
Any help appreciated.
I have had my water turn an orange/red recently. The guy who I bought some fish from says it's a bacterial bloom but other research doesn't confirm.
My tank was running fine but I added some plants and some fish from his aquarium. His set was amazing and he had the biggest external filter fluval makes so I don't think it's his water.
I was told I may have overfed but I have since fed once per 3 days and done regular water changes but still no change.
I have 160l of water, internal lift out filter, airiator, 3 plants, some drift wood, some slate, clean substrate (recently vacuumed) and it's not over stocked. Feeding flakes for the last 2 weeks but still no change.
I am a newbie even though I have read a lot (and learned little I suspect)
Any help appreciated.