Red Water Issue


New Member
Mar 5, 2014
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Sorry if this is in wrong place - search for red water keeps crashing the forum.
I have had my water turn an orange/red recently. The guy who I bought some fish from says it's a bacterial bloom but other research doesn't confirm.
My tank was running fine but I added some plants and some fish from his aquarium. His set was amazing and he had the biggest external filter fluval makes so I don't think it's his water.
I was told I may have overfed but I have since fed once per 3 days and done regular water changes but still no change.
I have 160l of water, internal lift out filter, airiator, 3 plants, some drift wood, some slate, clean substrate (recently vacuumed) and it's not over stocked. Feeding flakes for the last 2 weeks but still no change.
I am a newbie even though I have read a lot (and learned little I suspect)
Any help appreciated.
Hi there, Kieron, welcome to the forum :)
I think it most likely that your 'red water' is being caused by tannins leaching from the wood. If it is that, then it's not harmful to fish and will disappear with your regular water changes.
Just to rule anything else out though, can I ask; exactly what fish, and how many, do you have, how long has the tank been set up, and is it cycled, have you tested the water at all, and what food are you using?
to TFF! Hope you enjoy it here.
I agree with flutter but in addition to what she's asked for could you possibly upload a picture? You can do this by going to 'More Reply Options' and attaching a file at the bottom.
If that doesn't work for you try using a photo-sharing website such as photo bucket and then put the link here.

Thanks for replies. I will try to upload a pic tomorrow.
I bought a set-up and fish from someone 6 weeks ago. It was running well and I had no problems. I tested weekly and all was fine.
Recent changes is adding plants attached to wood and slate (thoroughly cleaned)
Fish are 2 albino discus, 2 silver dollar, 1 marbles agelfish, 1 6" plec, 2 tiny plac, 10 small cordys, 5 blue/silver danio, 1 cardinal tetra, 1 rummynose tetra, 9 barbs (cant remember name)
Tank is 200L which is full to about 85%.
I'm constantly checking filtration and testing. All seems fine, just red.
I don't know what you mean by cycled sadly. I need to learn much I think.
Have a read of THIS, it should help explain what cycling is. Did you mess with the filter media at all? Did the previous owner say how long it's been set up? How often do you do water changes and how much of it do you change?
Can you get a picture of the water? Or perhaps search for a picture on google of 'tannins' and see if that matches your water.
And can you get pictures of the plecs? Some can get very large, outgrowing this tank. Someone should be able to ID them for you if you can put up some pics :)
There are some issues in your stocking, I promise I'm not trying to be rude, just pointing it out so that you know and can hopefully fix it.
Silver dollars like groups of 6+, and get quite chunky all around so would be suitable for a larger sized tank.
Blue/silver danio sounds like zebra danios, these also like groups of 6+. They prefer cooler temps than the other tropical fish you have. I'd re-home these personally.
Cardinal tetras & rummynose tetras also like groups of 6+.
Are the barbs tiger barbs by chance? If so they can be quite nippy so you may want to look out for that. If you can describe the shape/colors or get a picture someone should be able to ID them as well.
Hi mate
Thanks for cycling link, I will revise this.
Previous owner said it was mature and had no problems but then again I don't trust them as they had a powerful uv tube and a heat spotlight. (must have once been a viv) They also rat the water at 33-34 degree
I inherited 2 very large red tiger oscars from them as well as a 15" plec that I have since re-homed.
It's the new stuff added that I'm 99% sure created this. I goodled pics of tannins and it's spot on - just like what I have.
My bars are Odessa Barbs and the cardinal was on his own, I want to give him friends but want to ensure stocking isn't an issue first. The rummynose was a group of 6 but gradually disappeared so I won't be adding them again. Plec is Gibiseps Plec.
Driftwood - there was originally 1 large piece that I had in for 6 weeks with no worries so it looks like the 3 plants attached to wood could be the culprit.
Does this info help?
Hm, I don't know anything about odessa barbs except they're quite pretty, sorry :(
The gibbi will outgrow this tank. Very pretty plec though. So would re-home that and the rummynoses, since you don't want rummies.
The cardinals could possibly get eaten by the angels or discus so it is up to you on if you want to try to keep them or not.
I'm not sure why if the driftwood had stopped leaking tannins and the water was clear afterwards that it'd be turning tannin-colored again.
If it is related to the driftwood then water changes or adding carbon to your filter can clear it up.
Sorry am not of much help :(

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