Red Wag Platy


New Member
Nov 5, 2009
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Hi! I'm new to this, that's why I'm posting here. I can't really tell if this Red Wag Platy is pregnant, or not. I just bought her from the fish store yesterday along with 1 other female, and 1 male. Since I've gotten her, she looks a bit bigger than the others. Her stromach is white, and really big. I don't really see a black spot, but I will provide a picture of her, and please tell me what you guys think! Sorry the picture isn't so clear, but she always stays near the bottom or in a tunnel. She doesn't really move, but this was the shot I snapped of her quickly.

Well she defo looks like it.

From the size of the pic it's difficualt to be sure how far but i would expect fry in the next week or so :)

Good luck.
Well she defo looks like it.

From the size of the pic it's difficualt to be sure how far but i would expect fry in the next week or so :)

Good luck.

Thank you so much! I was hoping she was! I really love taking care of the fry. I had them three times before, but they never last too long. This time I am really going to strive to grow them to maturity!Is there anything I should do so that the fry won't get eaten as soon as they're born?

Also, is it normal for them to be pregnant, but not have a black spot? I thought that was the determining fact of they were or not?
Not all fish show gravid spot's this is why you cant always go buy that alone.
I might of edited the post above to late, but I'll ask again just in case:

Should I do anything with her so that the fry don't get eaten, or so that they have a better chance of survival? I heard that they can get stressed fairly easy and not deliver the babies, so I don't want to harm her, or them.
Do u have a rearing tank to separate the fry off to, or rear them along side the parents?
Or do u have a breeding trap(not the best of things)?
What other fish do u have in the main tank?
I have a netted breeding tank, but I dont think I want to use that because the last time I did they got stuck inbetween the plastic.

My taank is 30 gal. and it has 2 places for fish to hide. (this vase thing, and a rock formation) The fish in the tank are: 1 Red Wag Platy, 1 Sunburst Wag Platy, 1 Plecostimus, 1 X-Ray Tetra, 1 female guppy, 2 Silver Mollies, and 2 Balloon Belly Mollies
If you remove the X-ray you should be able to rear the fry with the adults
Thats the only fish that will actively hunt for fry.

All the other fish should be fine if well feed.
This is how i keep mine.
To grow on the fry along side the adults. As the x-ray will eat any fry
So you think if I just left all the fry in the tank, they will be just fine? (minus the X-Ray Tetra)

The thing is, I have NO plants whatsoever in my tank. Just 2 decorations, and gravel. Is that enought to hide?
Yes as long as the adults are well feed, this is how i rear my fry.

The adults will eat some fry but most surive
Even with no plants to hide in they'll be fine?

Thank you so much for your help once again!
Even with no plants to hide in they'll be fine?

Thank you so much for your help once again!

More plants and cover you provide the more fry you get to survive.
Java Moss is by far the best plant for saving fry.
There's a white dot on her underside. Does this mean anything? It's the only white spot on her entire body. And it's right inbetween all her fins...

Also, I just noticed that the male keeps pecnking at her underside! :unsure:

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