red tails


Fish Fanatic
Oct 4, 2003
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
just got anew red tail for my 20 gallon..i had to take back my angels :( they were getting too big and causing stress to my other fish
i've noticed he hasn't been eating very much. I know that it is common amoung new fish to an aqaurium not to eat until they feel confortable and understand the perhaps new food but it has been days no and he's not eating. I know that he is a catfish and a bit of a scavenger but he wont eat my sinking food for my pleco either: not even blood worms!!
he also have a white tip on the top of his dorsal fin and i'm wondering if this is normal.
thanx in advance
peter :thumbs:
hmmmm... Angels getting too big and causing stress for other fish and you get a red tail!
Red Tails can get to over 3ft long, eat anything that will actually fit into their mouths or make a very good attempt if they dont. They need excellent water and are first and foremost a predator.
Not sure it was such a wise choice and I would suggest bringing it back ASAP especially if your not getting a bigger tank.
I hate to sound so harsh but I think the fish shop who sold you the fish was very irresponsible.
I will post a pic of an adult Red Tail from a book I have to give you a general idea of what we're talking about.

Sorry, hang on a minute... a white tip? that sounds like a Red Tail Black Shark, Labeo Bicolor. This is a totally different fish!! I just saw catfish and alarm bells went off. I think the fish you have is a so-called shark. I have kept these myself and they are a great fish, they are a carp like fish and keep to themselves. Mine chased everyhting in the tank once settled in but was otherwise not aggressive. They do get failry big, too big for a 20g and like hiding places like pipes to feel comfortable. Min sort of sniffed everything in the tank but I cant be sure he ate algae.
Sorry for the mis-understanding!!

A red tail in a 20 gallon is quite a concept!
Yea, if it's a redtail catfish, you need a lot bigger tank.

If it's a redtail shark (Labeo bicolor) then a 20g is fine for life. Just make sure you only have 1 in a tank that size. I have 1 in a 20g.
Try feeding different foods and see what he likes. Mine eat brine shrimp, shrimp cubes (broken up and watered down first) regular flakes, veggie flakes and spirulina flakes.
i have tryed all that you have mentioned and he still will not eat. He looks happy and swims happilly but will not eat bloodworms, brinshrip, pellets, flakes, my pleco's algea tablets or cucumber. any ideas would help, thanx
Does he swim around a lot or just hide all day? Chances are, if he's swimming around that he's actually scavenging and getting plenty to eat.
he moves around and hides in about a 50:50 ratio. I guess only time will tell to see if he catchs the drift about the food. it took me soo long to get my pleco eating algea tablets. :lol:
well...just got back from out of town for a day for thanksgiving here in toronto and i came home to a floating red tailed shark :( i had put him in the hostpital tank earlier because i noticed he hadn't been swimming properly anymore. he must have had a ballest problem of some kind.
anyways..thanks for all the help
If you do mean a red tailed shark then you may not see him eat all the time. I have had one for about two years and very rarely will he eat at the same time as the others. He is a lively and healthy fish though so I would not be too worried about him.
The white tip is normal colouring for this fish as well.

N.B. Is he jet black or slightly faded as this can be a sign of stress?? ;)

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