Red Tailed Sharks


Fish Fanatic
Jun 1, 2004
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Does anyone have a red-tailed shark? Can you tell me how aggressive they really are in a tank of basically peaceful fish? I read you should get a few babies or 1 mature adult, what is the better option?
I use to have one. You could get two at a maximum if you had a 20 gallon well planted tank. NO, don't stick them with community fish-they will get harassed and/or eaten. House them with other sharks or catfish...
They might not go to well in a community tank as what Fish buddy said.

But if you want the shark look you can get some bala sharks if your tank is 55g + since they need swimming room...but they are very peacefull fish (depite the way they look) and go great with in a community tank. I highly reccomend them. :lol:
My tank is only 25 Gallons, so I guess the Bala shark wouldn't fit. Any other shark-like fish recommendations? Thanks!
i have a rainbow shark (dont know if their the same but they sure look it .. well besides the fins) and it has its own little terriotry set up ... he'll let some fish in when theres food around but others he'll go out of his way to chase away ... he doesnt attack just chases .. i try and place some food in other areas but the fish taht get cahsed away go back for more lol ... maybe they think its a game of tag or something lol
It all depends on the individual personality of the RTBS. I would still recommend NOT putting two together. When they are young they do shoal, but when they get mature they may get nasty with each other. Many of the sharklike fish grow quite large and are not suitable for a smaller tank. Bala sharks do grow big and also enjoy the company of others, so you would need a minimum 75g tank for a small group.
I'm thinking of getting one for my 30 gallon with a Blue 3 Spot Gourami but I'm not sure if it will be too aggressive with it. The tank is decently planted and has a Pagoda decoration but I think the Gourami has claimed it and that might cause territory issues with a RTBS
well in my experience 1 RTS per tank these fish are not made to live with same species nor or they good for a community tank of live bearers they will terrorize any and all live bearers I have 1 RTS in with my chiclid tank and he does very well

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