Red-tailed Shark


Fish Crazy
Feb 20, 2008
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sorry if this is the wrong forum, but I couldn't find red-tailed shark in the species index, so I put it here...

what is the minimum tank size for a red-tailed shark? Some people say 10g (but I have a hunch that that's waaaay to small); others say at least 40g. Does anyone have any experience with these fish and what size tank they need? I have a 30g, so would that be big enough?
sorry if this is the wrong forum, but I couldn't find red-tailed shark in the species index, so I put it here...

what is the minimum tank size for a red-tailed shark? Some people say 10g (but I have a hunch that that's waaaay to small); others say at least 40g. Does anyone have any experience with these fish and what size tank they need? I have a 30g, so would that be big enough?

a 30gallon would be big enough, but there is a big chance of having territorial issues. :(

try having no bottom dwellers, and having a lot of caves for the shark to hide in :good:
hmm...okay, thanks for the tip. Right now, I don't have any bottom dwellers in there, so if I decide to get one, it should work well. If he does start getting territorial though, how will I know? I mean, will it be obvious enough?
They will chase the other inhabiteants all the time. If you get one, get the one with the most orange tail and if you can the smallest.
I have mine in a 45 gal community, but be warned, they are VERY teritorial, if any fish swims near his 'zone' he will aggressively defend it.
scrap the shark and get a magikarp

haha i have one in a 30 gallon comunity tank with various fish under 4 inches he gets along fine with the 3 angelus(spelling) loaches and a bristlenose plec he defends his one cave very well but other then his cave he is peaceful
I have a red tail shark that I've had for about 7 years. it was about 1/2 and inch when I first got it. Now it is about 5 inches. It lives in a 50 gallon with a bunch of other fish including a SAE which it never bothers. the only time it chases any of the other fish is when it's eating and they go after the food it is eating. I know this may not be the "norm" for Red tail sharks which can be very aggressive. I'm wondering if the sex of the fish has something to do with the behavor?? Not sure what the sex of mine is tough.

I read somewhere that to tell the difference between male and female was that the males have a black belly and that females have a grey belly.
Red Tail sharks aren't as agressive as people make them out to be. I have had them in large tanks (in my 6" I even had 2) and also in my small tank (Juwel 96). They like to play Tag, so they would probably prefer fish which don't mind that game (YoYo loaches, Danios, Tetras), but they never harmed a fish or eaten any (not even Guppy Babies, sigh - one of the reasons at the time to add him to the Juwel). I always have heavily planted tanks and generally lots of caves, which probably helped. They are also very hardy and graze algae (bit like a fancy false SAE, but never as good as a real SAE).

Although they love bloodworm (which fish doesn't..), I think they may be mainly a herbivore so be careful if you feed a lot of bloodworm. They are very long lived, the first one we had lived to 10 years but then he got killed during a sudden and very unexpected frost (we used to put our tropicals in the garden pond during the summer in the old house). He was the sadest loss we had, as after all this time we became very attached to Mr Sharky. The 2 in the 6" went back to the LFS during my last move, as the tank has been dry since - just haven't got the time anymore, but were 5 years old then. In the 6ft tank they had plenty of room to avoid each other, but I was surprised how little they squabbled. Apart from the old game of I chase you if you chase me once in a while, they ignored each other. If anything they seemed to be glad of each other's company, as none of the other communals enjoyed "tag" and just swam away, leaving the shark quite bored.

I wouldn't add him to a tank which is low in stock, as his chase drive can stress other fish out, but shoaling fish are good as are lots of other small fish which aren't too agressive.
sorry if this is the wrong forum, but I couldn't find red-tailed shark in the species index, so I put it here...

what is the minimum tank size for a red-tailed shark? Some people say 10g (but I have a hunch that that's waaaay to small); others say at least 40g. Does anyone have any experience with these fish and what size tank they need? I have a 30g, so would that be big enough?

about 50ukg is the, often stated minimum for RTBS,30 gallons is much too small, anything less, usually leads to trouble. though they rarely get over 6 inches, they need room to swim, and plenty of their own territory.

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