Red Tailed Shark


Lets go Flyers
Sep 17, 2006
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Will a Red Tailed Shark be okay in a tank by itself, with just a few Apple Snails? No other fish? How big of a tank would I need, and is there anything special they like (ie. a certain type of plant, caves, sand, etc? Also, what water conditions would I need?
30 gallon minimum, they do fine on their own but do need some plants, rocks, wood, etc. for places to retreat to. A cave or holey bogwood works best though mine seems to prefer to hover underneath a long branch of wood instead of any of the other places provided for him.
Ok, thanks. Is there anything else I should know?
They're ominvores so feed them a mix of food types. Frozen blood worms are a favorite.
i do believe a rtbs would do great in a 30gallon/2foot tank on its own. but may i ask why you want to keep such a creature on its own? x


Because they are agressive when they get big, and I think it would be a cool fish to have. Is there a reason I shouldn't?
I would say a 30gal is the minimum, but i would advise something over 2ft- i've had my RTBS for a long time now and she's 5inches+ long and very active, a 2ft long tank just seems far too short to keep such an active fish in IMHO.
What if I kept a group of them? I've heard they're intolerant with each other, but if you have a group and lots of hiding places they'll be fine. Is this true? How many would I need? What size tank, then?
I wouldn't try it. They'll keep eachother stressed out and besides you're talking a massive tank for even a small group of them.

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