Sometimes a little bit of orange stuff that looks like roots starts growing in my tank, about the size of a dime, but it disappears in about 12 hours. This morning the small dime sized patch has grown to about 8 inches long and 4 inches wide in one night. I tried to siphon it out but it feels like the gravel has turned into a rug and everything is sticking to stuff. I have 14 fish in the tank ( 33 gallon flat back hex). They have all been in there for over a year with zero problems. There are CHUNKS of this orange stuff that my siphon can't even pick up. The red tailed shark has been sitting on my plants at the top of the tank, which is not like him at all. His fins are split up and looks very unhealthy. I have an undergravel filter, which i really dont like, it's holding a lot of poo under it. What is this orange stuff? I'll be right around the computer for a while, so if there is anything i forgot just say so and i should answer pretty quick.