Red-Tailed Catfish Info, Please


Fish Crazy
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
Nowhere, Mississippi
No, I didn't just buy one for my 10 gallon tank. :fun:

My 7 year old daughter chose redtailed cats to do a report on from a list that included lions, tigers, elephants, and gorillas. :dunno: What can I say? :angel: She must be an up-and-coming fish addict. :fish:

We will be Googling and going to Planet Catfish. If you have other great links for info, or any personal experience info, it would all be welcome. :fun:
they grow very fast on a good diet. I managed to get 1 from 2.5" up to 8" in just under 3 months.

Can become very tame when older allowing you to stroke there back rubbing there belly and will quite readily hand feed.

Can be a pain to treat for anything not responding well to most medications.

Hope your daughter enjoys researching them, there beutiful cats!
Paul_MTS said:
they grow very fast on a good diet. I managed to get 1 from 2.5" up to 8" in just under 3 months.

Can become very tame when older allowing you to stroke there back rubbing there belly and will quite readily hand feed.

Can be a pain to treat for anything not responding well to most medications.

Hope your daughter enjoys researching them, there beutiful cats!
I thought they were fish not cats Paul?? :S :S :/ :/
One day... I'll have an indoor pond big enough for one or two. It just might be a long, long time. :p
We saw a few at the Memphis Zoo the other day. The girls were amazed at how big they were. These were SERIOUS fish. :D

I don't think a pond is good enough. You need something where you can see these things from the side, like an aquarium. They were amazing. And they were about the only thing in the aquarium building that would stay still for me to get a picture. :)
I mean an actual pond but I am thinking of it having a set of stairs or something to the side going down (like the pond being on the first floor with a basement underneath) where I will have a large glass window. That or have it raised up where I can see them from the side with stairs leading to the top to feed them and everything else that needs done.

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