Red-Tailed Black Shark


Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hello everyone,

I plan on getting my first Red-Tailed Black Shark. I have done a bit of reading and some people have no problems with them being aggresive, where others have tons.

These are my tank specs:

4 Tiger Barbs
6 Golden Barbs
6 Cherry barbs (these are my reason for worrying)

Its a 35 gallon tank that I have gone over kill on with filters. It has lots of swiming room but also a lot of caves and hiding places.

What do you guys think? Will he get along with everyone?

Thanks for the input.
I think he will be fine.
Barbs are pretty hardy, and active, so they shouldnt be too faised out by the RTBS.
They create a teritory which would preferably include a large rock, a piece of bogwood, and free swimmming places, so create all 3 of those in an area in your tank, and hes bound to stick to it. :) Goodluck.

Speaking of bogwood, I just added a 4 foot peace today! Man does it ever look nice, goes from end to end. There are also a couple of good sized rocks, and a clay bot and some plants, along with lots of swimming room.

So I'm sure he'll like the tank, I am more concernd about him not getting along with any of my other fish.
I had my RTB with a group of 8 Tigers and it was a total failure...The RTB did nothing but pester and even bullied one to death....As you have read its all in the individual fish and its personality....But with the experience that ive had i wouldnt recommend it.....As they get older they get worse (atleast mine did). JMO ...HIH

Wow, thats crazy DR, in my experience, ive had an RTBS with gouramis, glss cats, harliquins, and even a rainbow shark and no probs, just some chasing between the two sharks. And that was only territorial too.

I think like u said, its the individual fish. :) Try and see how u go!
ive a rtbs in with a large shoal of tiger and black ruby barbs in a 55g, as theres so many he struggles to stay focussed on a single one anyway so he hasnt inflicted any damage to date. plus hes not quite as agile as they are. He does seem to particularly dislike the green tigers and male black rubies in breeding colouration though, but for some reason doesnt seem to want to take on my firemouth...
Hmm. I am a little worried to get one as I don't want to upset my current setup, everyone gets along.

Would bying a younger one maybe help? As he would be smaller and maybe more shy and not as aggresive? And if he was aggresive he wouldnt beable to do as much damage untill I sorted something out.

I also have a 45 gallon tank, but that has nearly 100 fry from various live bearers so that wouldnt go to well ;)

I did a bit more reading on them last night and have read several horror stories and bad experiences with them. Anyone else have any probs?
There's always a slight risk with RTBS, they can be fairly aggressive. However i think you'll be ok with your existing fish, certainly worth a try.

You are probably doing it the right way round, if you were adding the other fish to a tank with a RTBS already in it i would say no way but this way round should be fine.
Thats what I figured. The golden barbs have gotton to be a pretty good size, almost all have finished filling out. And the tiger barbs are a decent size and I cant see them taking crap from anyone. My golden barbs are very aggresive eaters and out number the tiger barbs, but when I put live food in the tiger barbs will do everything possible to make sure they get the majority of it. They will even let one eat while the others try and hold the golden barbs back, its incredible to watch. Almost like they take turns at trying to get the best food, simply amazing!
yes tiger barbs definitely arent shy when it comes to food!! mine have got to the stage where they swarm my hand when i hold the flake under water in the filter stream, and dont always even wait for my hand to enter the water!
there'll be no competition food wise from the rtbs though, ive never seen mine take flake whilst its floating, he usually seems to be grazing and scavenging the gravel or bogwood.
Sorry to butt in, but how big will a RTBS get? Are they smaller than silver sharks?
mr_miagi32 said:
Wow, thats crazy DR, in my experience, ive had an RTBS with gouramis, glss cats, harliquins, and even a rainbow shark and no probs, just some chasing between the two sharks. And that was only territorial too.

I think like u said, its the individual fish. :) Try and see how u go!
Yea im always reading about how peoples RTB's are placid and never bother anyone....Well of course i have to get a demonic incarnation of an RTB ....Its all good now though...My Severum sorted him out :p
Yea im always reading about how peoples RTB's are placid and never bother anyone....Well of course i have to get a demonic incarnation of an RTB ....Its all good now though...My Severum sorted him out

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I think mine and yours must be related, he's a beast with anything other than bottom feeders and small tetra's. He hates Firemouth's for some reason. Great fish though, loads of character...if he ever gets too carried away, I'll put him in the Mbuna tank! :lol: (he'd last about 5 mins)

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