red tailed black shark


Fish Crazy
Mar 26, 2004
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Can i put a red tailed black shark in my 55 gal tank with 2 dwarf gourmais, 2 guppies, and 2 angels?

If i can't is there and type of shark I can put in there?
Someone suggested a silver shark??

Please any help is really appreciated.
from what I've heard the answer would be no
RTBS become aggressive and need to be housed with larger fish;
I may be wrong about this but I'm sure someone with more experinace
will guide you to a suitable shark type fish.
Ive had my RTBS with guppies, swordtails and various tetras for about 6 months with no problems. I did try a betta in there and she did get quite aggressive towards him but she hasn't bothered any of the smaller fish at all. It may just be her individual temperment, but she's not nearly as aggressive as everyone tells me she should be! :D

Id say try it, the tank is big enough and if you make plenty of places for the smaller fish to hide you shouldn't have any problems :) Dont get more than one though!!
A RTBS may become to aggressive for that tank, however, they're aggression is normally directed to fish of a similar shape and body size. There is another similar species Epalzeorhynchus frenatus or Ruby Shark which is often considered more peaceful. :)
A Silver Shark will grow to large for that tank, and they are shoaling fish so you'd need 3 or more of them.

As an aside, the Angels will regard little things like guppies as food items when they grow up a bit.
I have a rainbow shark (very similar to a red tailed shark) living with 2 gourami's, some zebra danio's, tetras and a few other types of fish.

The only fish the rainbow shark ever chases are the SAE's. They are the same shape/size and are related I believe. Other than that, he never chases anyone.
i had rainbow shark, similar to a red tailed black. i got him as a juvie and kept him with my gouramis with little trouble. you'd only be able to have the one though becasue as said, they can quite territiroial with their own species.
I had a red tail shark in my ten gallon tank with two tetras, a pleco, a catfish, a bala shark and a beta. The only one the shark bothered was the beta. If you want a peaceful shark I personally like the small bala sharks though they like to be in groups. I did not know that at the time I had them in my tank. :whistle:
i have my rainbow shark in mine and she's so nasty to all the silver sharks .. but then the clown loaches chase her away.

but u can find info on the red tail shark in the fish index :)
sparklingcolorsafw said:
I had a red tail shark in my ten gallon tank with two tetras, a pleco, a catfish, a bala shark and a beta. The only one the shark bothered was the beta. If you want a peaceful shark I personally like the small bala sharks though they like to be in groups. I did not know that at the time I had them in my tank. :whistle:
Bala sharks can grow to 12" in size and need to be in groups.....So i wouldn't add any of those to your 55. Rtb's are a fish that you may get lucky with and find a very calm one...Me on the other hand..I've got a monster who wont leave anything alone. Personally i think they are best suited with semi-aggressive cichlids.

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