Red-tailed Black Shark


Aug 13, 2007
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Ive been trying to decide what I should add into my 29 gallon tank once ive got it up and running perfectly. I have though about getting a red-tailed black shark. I know that they dont get along with any fish of the same or similar type so what are some suggestions on good tankmates for the red-tailed black shark.


i had mine with clown loaches and gourmais and corys and they all were fine i think as long as u have a fast moving and semi agressive fish u will be fine in the tank what were u thinking of what fishes
and barbs any med sized barbs be fine too
I got mine in with Clown loaches and tigerbarbs, and 3 rosy barbs. Shark hates the rosy barbs, constantly attacking them so think the rosys are gonna have to go, Shark was there first :hyper:

Zoe :good:
IMO your tank is too small, the shark will be fine for a time but 29g is not much of a territory for a 4-5" RTB shark.

you already seem to know this but stay away from anything that resembles the shark, (so no flying fox, SAE, CAE, or slimline barbs, i.e. rosy barbs, cherry barbs.)

If you were going forward with getting the shark i would keep it with some of these: Tiger Barbs, Black Ruby Barbs, Gold Barbs, Danios, Scissortails, harlequinns

Edit: I hope the 29G won't be as overstocked as your 10g
My RTBS did fine in a 29g but he didn't really find his growth until he moved into a 55g. Now he's nearly full grown and I've had him about 3 years. The other inhabitants are a pair of Clown Loaches, a trio of Yo-yo's, two Bristleoses, a Betta and some Zebra Danios.
Would it be fine to put i t in with kribensis, cockatoo dwarf cichlids, brichardi. rams and other small cichlids?
In my 70G, the shark has always been fine with my male Betta, 3 Corys, 6 killifish,2 Rams and some Cardinals. We did have 4 Gouramis, but he took a real dislike to the 2 males, so they had to be moved out to another tank.

It's his tank basically & eveything else has to fit in with him !!

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