Red-tail Shark With Tetras?

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Fish Crazy
Mar 20, 2005
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Laramie, Wy
My freshwater tank is cycling at the moment, we're coming to the end of week two with a handful of ghost shrimp getting things going... Anyway, I've started to think about what I want to put in there...

I know that I'm planning on a large school of small tetras - neons, green fire, emperors, the like. Probably up to twenty or so.

I've also had my eye on a redtail shark....

Now I know a lot of you are going to scof at the mere idea of putting these two together, but most of the sources I've found say it can be done if the situation is right, meaning there are enough tetras that no single one gets harassed all the time, that the shark can establish his own territory somewhere in the tank that over time the tetras will learn to just stay away from, and that the shark is the LAST one in...

I was thinking about putting a few tiger barbs in there as well, which might keep the shark from bullying my tetras and just trying to pick on the other bullies...

Any ideas on how I can make this work? My tank will be semi-planted, and has several places that the shark could easily call home, what with a sunken colloseum and parthenon (I'm a history nerd :( )
nobody has even an idea? I want to get one, but i also don't want to end up having to return it for being a bully...
i wouldnt do it in anything less than a 80G.

sharks seem fairly peaceful at first but when they start growing a bit they get pretty damn aggresive.

think you mite be ok for a lil while but when the RTBS's mouth gets bigger and it can swallow a tetra it probably will.
well the max size on the rtbs is 4 inches, that's what attracted me to it in the first place... i don't see how it could get big enough to eat anything.... but i could be wrong
Actualy, they grow to 6" and could well eat small tetras (so don't get anything udner 2"). However, I've never had an RTBS become aggressive towards tetras. They are only realy aggressive towards fish that look similar to them or which compete with them for territory. So things like cichlids and gouramies which are territorial, other sharks and cyprinids which look similar and other bottom-dwellers like catfish and loaches which compete for space are likely to be harassed - but peaceful shoaling fish, like tetras, that don't look similar, aren't threatening to the shark, avoid it and don't compete with it for territory should be fine. I wouldn't add any barbs as you'll just be encouraging the shark to be aggressive. Deffinately add the shark last and give the tetras a chance to grow out a bit. BTW, minnimum tank for an RTBS is 30 gallons because they are active and territorial fish. In order to also have 20 2" tetras, you're going to need a rather large tank though - bigger than 30 - more like 45 gallons.
Actualy, they grow to 6" and could well eat small tetras (so don't get anything udner 2"). However, I've never had an RTBS become aggressive towards tetras. They are only realy aggressive towards fish that look similar to them or which compete with them for territory. So things like cichlids and gouramies which are territorial, other sharks and cyprinids which look similar and other bottom-dwellers like catfish and loaches which compete for space are likely to be harassed - but peaceful shoaling fish, like tetras, that don't look similar, aren't threatening to the shark, avoid it and don't compete with it for territory should be fine. I wouldn't add any barbs as you'll just be encouraging the shark to be aggressive. Deffinately add the shark last and give the tetras a chance to grow out a bit. BTW, minnimum tank for an RTBS is 30 gallons because they are active and territorial fish. In order to also have 20 2" tetras, you're going to need a rather large tank though - bigger than 30 - more like 45 gallons.
thanks for the information, i appreciate the help

and as my signature says, I have a 55 gallon, so I guess I'm in the clear.
I have never found RTBS to be a problem with smaller fish, they are generally only aggressive towards fish they perceive as a threat. Certainly don't ever keep more than 1 in the same tank or with anything remotely shark shaped as they don'y tolerate their own kind or fish of a similar appearance.

Whilst they do get quite big at around 6", their mouths are actually quite small and i have never had a problem keeping them with small tetra's like neons and cardinals. The worst i've seen is occasional chasing just to remind the other fish who is the tank boss. :lol:

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