Red Tail Black Shark V.S. Betta


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
will the betta fight with my redtail black shark cause my shark is also agressive, just want to know if they r compattible, before i buy the bett! :lol:

Well, they should get along fine, but it depends on the personality of both fish. Sounds like your red-tail has a temper, so he probably would fight with the betta. You could try, but if he seems to go after it even after some time, move the betta somewhere else.
how big is yor redtail shark if it isnt to big your betta might pull the bluff over him like mine did I bought a baby redtail shark and the betta showed it who was the boss right off they are doing fine now but it took a month of the betta flaring up at him and the redtail swimming around and around the betta, But anyway good luck
if he's going into a 10 gallon with all those fish in your signature then maybe you shouldn't buy the betta, he might be a bit crowded
Still, the red-tail can get to around 6". That might overcrowd the tank. He would probably have to be put in a larger one. I think I read that you were going to do that sometime anyway? :/
jesse, ur absolutly right i'm gonna take him out of the tank sooner or later, he bullys my other fishes :grr: :sad: :X

kevin.... he he he he he he
The shark needs a tank that's about 30 gallons. A 10 gallon will be too small for him when he hits his potential of 6 inches. He'll hardly be able to turn around, let alone swim. Also, make sure that the shark has a good cave, since they are happiest when they are able to get away from it all.

Our's seem to love our 55 gallon. Just about right for a pair...
kevin007 said:
jesse, ur absolutly right i'm gonna take him out of the tank sooner or later, he bullys my other fishes :grr: :sad: :X

kevin.... he he he he he he
i had a red tail i had for ages and it calmed down after a while i think the tank size might be make it cranky if its in a ten gal. also some say not to use bog wood in a shark tank but if he is the only one on the bottom a peice by the edge will provide somewhere for it to relax a bit might mellow it a bit :/ i had a beta and a red tailed once and the beta had fry while in the same tank i was there with the net but my point is that they sometimes get along
i'm gonna trade in my red tail shark and not gonna get the betta but these r the fish i'm planning to get:
3 male guppies so they won't breed
2albino cories so that my branze cory will get more friends to play with
My rainbow shark bullied my other fishies, including the chinese algae eater and the clown loaches after being in the main tank for 1-2 days. By the 3rd day it's attacking one of a black neon's tail, so now the poor thing (black neon) has its tail broken into 2!

I have no choice but to return it to the lfs.

I've also been thinking of getting a betta too (esp when I saw one few days ago which is red!) but dumped the idea worrying it might attack my other fishies too......

Edit: anyway I bought another platy (a semi translucent white, with black spotted tail, very pretty!) today. Now I'll hav to force myself not going to those lfs anymore in case I'm too tempted to get anymore fishies!

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