red swordtails


Fish Crazy
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Suffolk UK
My son is the proud owner of 25 baby swordtails, I would like to know how old they will be before we know if they are males or females. I want to keep 3 in my new tank and find homes for the rest but I want to make sure I get 1m & 2f. would appreciate some help thanks. :thumbs:
i'd always heard you could tell after a few months, but i have one that i always thought was a female and now is a male (about 9 months old)
There are reports that they are able to change sex, I have had it happen in my tank when I had only what I thought were females. Stupidly I did not bother to find out if "he" was fertile. So if anyone else does this let us know!
Well yes. I bought a male swordy a few weeks ago whos gono was just folded and he hadn't develeoped his sword.....he has a small sword now and my female sunset platy is pregnant (the LFS I got her from separate males from females as do their suppliers)...he is the only male in the tank.

He was quite large when I gopt him....certainly fully grown.....
It is true swordtails can change sex when they want to, if you take three female, likely hood that in a period of time, one will turn to be a male to make sure survival of the Species, otherwise it is said if you want a natural born male the fry have to be born into a tank with a temperture about 25C and the perameters have to suit that of male swordtails, then you could be looking at two of three male swordtails and a couple of females

Thank you all for your help. I think I will have to hi-jack the male from my sons tank as he is a beauty. Will just have to take a chance with them I guess. ;)

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