Red streaks on danios


New Member
Mar 20, 2005
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We have three longtail danios (two zebra, one leopard) that were recently moved to a ten gallon tank from a one gallon where they were healthy and normal but obviously needing bigger quarters. Behaviourally they seem fine, riding the "waterfall" of the side filter, zipping around, schooling sometimes, other times chasing each other. Much more active than in the 1g. Appetites are fine. My water tests fine other than slightly harder than I'd like but still in the safe range. Regular water changes and all that.

There are really only two issues. For 6 months plus their pectoral fins have been a bit ragged. It's not progressing but not getting better either. The rest of their fins are in tip top shape. Is this normal from chasing around and "nipping' (yes, I know they don't have teeth) each other or is my water too hard?

The big issue is that all three have developed very fine red streaks starting at their pelvic fins and going up their sides. The fins have no streaks. One fish had one before the move and now they all have them. I've never had danios before so I don't know if this is a sign of a problem.

I have Maracyn but I'd prefer not to rush into medicating the tank until I know what's going on. Any help would be appreciated as I'd like to get 2-3 more danios to complete the group but not until I'm sure the community tank is "clean".

And yes, even though they seem happy with the 10g I am keeping my eyes and ears open for a 20g long.
What are your water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph as bad water quality can cause streaking in the fins, causing septicemia.
Water changes - lots of them - will help if it's septicemia.
I had read about septicemia but since most of the sites talked about streaked fins I was hoping it was nothing bad.

The test kit I have doesn't test ammonia directly, unfortunately. The nitrites barely registered on it though, and nitrates registered at 20 ppm at most with safe levels at 40ppm (or so it says on the kit). Hardness was 120 ppm, pH 6.8 or a bit more (which the danios should be happy with). Since the tank is new I've been doing a lot of smaller water changes 5-10 percent on top of the weekly 25 percent just to be safe. I did a 25 percent change last night also. I'm going to pick up an ammonia test anyway.

I'm wondering whether to start Myacin or not. I have found information saying it will work on septicemia and other sources don't mention septicemia at all. They just say "works on some gram negetive bacteria". Kanacyn list septicemia so I might pick that up tomorrow. Doesn't hurt to have it around I guess. That tea tree stuff looked interesting too. Has anyone used it?

I often use melafix for minor cuts, etc but I've never heard of it being used for septacemia; having said that it is a 100% natural medicine and using it in addition to any other medication will do no harm, it will also help prevent any secondary problems caused by your primary medication.
good luck.
I don't no your location, but you will have to issolate the fish and use antibiotics fast, as it soon can kill them if it's farily progressed.
Thanks everyone,

I started the Myacin two nights ago and the red streaks are fading.

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