Red Spots/patches On Danios? Is This Normal?


Fish Crazy
Feb 28, 2006
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I just got some zebra danios to go with the leopard danios I have.

When I got them, I noticed a few of them had some red patches (not really spots as they are bigger than white spots), is this normal? Could this be because of the other zebras bullying this one danio?

All the danios in the tank looked really healthy, and the ones with the red patch look no different to the others in terms of health and activeness.

Could this just be bite or bump marks caused by other danios bullying them? If so, would they recover from it? I've had leopards for a month now and I've seen them chase each other every now and then, but never to the extent where there are bruises or bumps!

Hopefully this isnt a sign of any serious disease, specific to the danios.

Just noticed that 1 of the danios that had the red spots was dead :(

The other is still has some red bruises...though it looks like its better.

The danios don't stop chasing each other (sometimes it looks like they're fighting) and now that I've got a fairly big family of them, they keep all parts of the tank active 24/7! Is this normal?
Doesn't sound good or normal :/ I had a few danio that died from dropsy and they also had read patches :( But it sounds like it might possibly be septicaemia - which is related to water quality.

Is this a new tank ? Are you cycling with them, or is the is more mature, established tank ?
Doesn't sound good or normal :/ I had a few danio that died from dropsy and they also had read patches :( But it sounds like it might possibly be septicaemia - which is related to water quality.

Is this a new tank ? Are you cycling with them, or is the is more mature, established tank ?
Hi bloozoo2, thanks for the reply. I'm not sure if its dropsy, but they were like that when I got them from the LFS. The tank has been cycled for a week, and water stats over the last week has been perfect (zero ammonia and nitrite and 20ppm nitrate)
That's odd. My guess was actually ammonia / nitrite poisoning. Where are these patches ? Are they the same on all the fish ? How large are the mark ? Do they just look redish, or bloodstreaked ?
That's odd. My guess was actually ammonia / nitrite poisoning. Where are these patches ? Are they the same on all the fish ? How large are the mark ? Do they just look redish, or bloodstreaked ?
Thats what I thought too, but I'm pretty sure it isnt that. The patches (3 of them) are scattered across their body. THere were 2 fish that had this (both from the same batch I bought from one of the LFS), one died today, the other still has it. The marks are about 2-3mm each, pretty small, but not as small as the size of white spots. They look more bloodish red.

I had one in the group I bought, which had these red spots on it, I noticed it straight away and asked to swap it. Instead of swapping that particular one, it was too hard to get this 1 specific one out as danios are hard to catch so she gave me a group of new ones that batch, I got 2 of these infected ones instead! They (LFS) didn't seem to happy about it, so I just took it...turns out that quite a few of the danios in their tank had these red spots. The LFS staff reckons its due to bullying from other danios, but I'm surprised its caused death!

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