Red Spots On Otto


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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hey, i have 4 ottos in my tank and have recently noticed one of them is quite a bit bigger than the others, and has 4 red spots near his/her mouth/nose...
all my other fish seem to be ok. Also this otto looks alot paler than the other 3, but is still swimming and eating well. And the spots look slightly raised.
At the moment.
Could someone please help me, as i dont know what they are, and if theres a treatment for it.
ok, i have just notied that one of my other ottos also has 4 red spots on his/her mouth/nose. so if anyone could give my any idea of what this could be and how i could treat it.
all comments thanks
Its sounds bacterial so I would treat with a bacterial med.
Can you issolate for treatment.
thank you. i will get some med asap. and for isolating, i can one the fry in my tank have gone. which will be tomorrow

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