Red Spot


Fish Aficionado
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
Commuting between Oaxaca, Mexico and Montreal, Can
I noticed this morning that my albino cory has a red spot on the middle of its head. He is as active as ever, and the spot doesn't seem to bother him. Does anybody know what this could be? Should I treat him for something or is it just a colouring now he is getting mature?
Can you post a picture and maybe your water stats and tank info? That would be helpful. :good:
Can you post a picture and maybe your water stats and tank info? That would be helpful. :good:

Tank info: 60 litre bowfront with pearl and dwarf gouramis, serpae tetras, and 3 cories
pH: 7.5
GH: 9
Ni and Ammonia: 0

Trying to take a pic, but he is so fast! It looks like the redspot is under the skin though, as if he had bumped his head on a heavy thing, and bruised it.

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