Red Sore & Cottony Growth


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2007
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
I did a water change today and found that not only does one of my corycats have a red sore, it also has a white growth over it.

This is the only fish showing any sign of illness at the moment and it has been put in a 1/2 gallon nut jar and medicated - that's the best I can do at college.

I treated it with Maracyn plus and am reading that I should add some melafix. There's no way I am going to be able to make a proper hospital tank here.

Should I treat the main tank?

I attached a photo.

I dealt with what may have been septicemia back in June in one of my tanks, this fish is from that tank.

It's looking like columnaris though, at least to me.

Input please and thanks, like always I will try to write back but school and clinical are craaazy this semester :):)


I did some more reading on columnaris and have treated my entire tank with Maracyn Plus & Melafix now. I did a large water change earlier today already. The carbon is out of the filter.

My corykid is laying on his side in the bottom of his nutjar and breathing more heavily than normal... no other changes though. He's been medicated too but without filtration/etc.


  • corykit.jpg
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It was dead when I woke up this morning - still no signs in the rest of the tank.

He may have gotten cut on one of the slate rocks I had in the tank, I took those out for now and I'm going to just see what goes on in the other tank for a few days.
Red sores can be ulcers, or due to parasites.

Did the fish start to heavy breath when you added the melafix.

It sounds bacterial but need to rule out parasites.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing, excess mucas,darting or erratic swimming.

Never saw second reply.
Remove the rock if its has sharp edges.
Red sores can be ulcers, or due to parasites.

Did the fish start to heavy breath when you added the melafix.

It sounds bacterial but need to rule out parasites.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing, excess mucas,darting or erratic swimming.

Never saw second reply.
Remove the rock if its has sharp edges.

Rock was removed the same day that I noticed the sores.
The fish was breathing heavy after I added the medication to his little container, and died overnight.

No signs of flicking/rubbing/darting from other fish, they all seem fine still. I think he just got injured and infected.

Bless him.

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