I got a red-legged hermit that I have actually seen with my own eyes eating red slime. BUT ... that hermit has to be hungry and even if you got many of them they won't eat it all. There is absolutely no chance that you can get a cleaner crew that will solve a red slime problem. My hermit ate red slime of the size of a thumbnail a day.
Chemical red slime remover may affect other bacteria, too. It might be a measure of emergency in some cases but the real cause is too much nutrients and phosphates.
It might be extremely difficult to get this right but that's the only way to go in the long run. I got this plague, too, in may nano and in the meantime I keep on removing this stuff manually. Every week an hour.
In my pico, it went away quickly by its own despite my pico had higher phosphates (0.35 ppm at that time) than the nano but in the pico are only corals and a lonely hermit and they don't eat much and therefore don't pollute much.