Red Sea Turbo Prism Skimmer

It's OK. Not complete rubbish, but I'd buy a different skimmer. If you have one already, you can use it, just don't expect the world from it...
I already have one but dosent seen that good like you said. What one would you recomend? if and when i upgrade?
Depends on your price range. What size tank is it and what are your stocking levels like?

Personally I would recommend deltec or TMC as the main two brands with the best skimmers (havent used the deltec ones myself but know lots of people who have and they are very high quality but fairly expensive).

Best bet is to get a second hand one as well as they will be a LOT cheaper.
4foot tank 240l. not stocking much at all at the moment. just a regal tang (tiny), canary top wrasse and a pyjama cardinal. also got 2 turbo snails. also some little snails n starfish that have come off the live rock. 3 toadstool mushrooms on 1 peice of coral. and some green xenia. I also have an external filter a tetra ex1200 running rowaphos threw it too. only around 6kg of live rock at the minit, building on it tho. thank you

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