Red Sea ammonia tests


New Member
Jan 20, 2005
Reaction score
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
My Tetra freshwater ammonia test is over, so I bought this one of Red Sea. It uses just one reagent (is it called "Nessler" kind when it uses just one reagent instead of 3?), and what surprised me was that all of my 3 tanks (a community 72L and 2 small ones - 4.5L and 3L - with bettas) scored 0 in this test. For the bigger tank, it was expected as it's cycled and stuff, but the bettas? I always get a bit of ammonia in them, no matter how often I make the water changes, and to have both scored 0 was a real surprise to me. Can my test be faulty? Or I've finally "cycled" them somehow?

The bigger betta tank (4.5 = 1G) now has some piece of perlon with some ammonia removing rocks wrapped inside it (zeolites), and this bit of perlon actually was inside the main tank's filter for a couple of days (no more than 3 days I think), so it might have carried some bacteria to the betta's. But what about the smaller betta tank? I wasn't expecting it to score 0 in the test at all.

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