Red Scout


Fish Fanatic
Nov 2, 2007
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Anyone heard of a red scout fish?? saw some the other day, im intrigued about what personalities they have, what kinds of fish they get along with etc. I can't seem to find anything about them on the net? I know they can get pretty big...
No, definitely not red scat. I just looked that up and its quite different. But that is still a nice it aggressive? How big do they get?
never heard of a red scout either. can you post a pic of the fish?
sorry, can't post a pic because i just saw it in the fish store, i didn't buy it as i knew nothing about it! :sad: Just noticed you were from Perth though, so do you know Vebas fish store in O'Connor? Thats where i saw them, they have a massive one in the tank at the front, and baby ones further on..
Red scats are fairly easy to keep, but get big and need a brackish aquarium.
Have you got a description of the fish? Maby with a rough drawing on paint or something?
hey prue must be from WA, woo hoo another west aussie :)

yeah I know Vebas. It used to be owned by Mr Veba many years ago before being bought by Harry. Harry sold it a couple of years ago to Paco (Patrick) who owns and runs it now. Originally when it was owned by Mr Veba it was located at the back of his house in Palmyra and the shop was in a shed in the backyard. It was a good way to go because he claimed all his water and electricity as a tax deduction, even the stuff from his house. It was were I got my first rainbowfish from many years ago. i picked up a pr of Melanotaenia parkinsoni and took them home. Within a few weeks I had young and got hooked on natives. Boy was that a mistake :) Damn fish are too addictive.
Anyway I will try to pop down to Vebas in the next week and have a looksie. They had cherry shrimp down there too apparently.

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