Red Ramshorns


Fish Fanatic
Oct 7, 2006
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Western USA
Do red ramshorns eat plants? I've heard they don't, and I'm interested in getting some. Can anyone give me information on them? And does anybody have any to spare? I'd be happy to pay. :D (Western USA)
My small tank had an infestation of hitchhiking brown ramshorns once. The ones I had seem to eat mostly hair and green spot algaes. I've heard they'll eat some plants, but they didn't do much harm to mine (and I had hundreds of them at one point!). Actually, I think they're probably one of the best weapons against green spot algae -- even shrimp have difficulties against the stuff.

Ramshorns breed like rabbits, so just be cautious. I've heard the giant species are a bit slower than the smaller ones that took over my tank, but I have no personal experience with those. Hope that's some help, anyway... :/
I keep red ramshorns and when they get too numerous, the will start to eat the softer plants. I learned my lesson the hard way and lost my lilly. :angry: You can get rid of them by selling them on or taking out the egg clutches (usually found on plants) before they hatch.
I notice that some web sites say they don't eat your plants, but they will when there are lots of them.
when they multiply to a certain number they will start to eat your plants... they breed like crazy - 1-500 in a couple of months... they hatch eggs on plants, rocks, wood - if you clean those reqularly you can slow the process down... but eventually one will get into your filter - that's when the trouble starts... they have a hatchery in there sooner or later... I solved my problem with a vietnamese loach and regular cleaning, took the filter out, cleaned the filter material in tank water really good, cleaned my sand in filter water, washed the filter wia hot water... took care of my problems... they easily get out of control...
Yeah I found three in my filter the other day. They were quite big so obviously they had crawled in as babies and grew up in there. Yuk. What an existence. :sick:
Oh. XD haha. If anybody has a population boom, can they send me a couple? I'll pay...

Thanks for the link. They're kinda expensive, though. I've been to that site before. Thanks, though! :D

Oh, and I have an undergravel filter, so would that be a problem? It's connected to an air pump that's outside...And will bettas eat baby ramshorns? Maybe that can be my method of culling if I ever do get a population boom. :D

Oh yes, and if anybody has any to spare, pretty please pm me. I'm located in the western US. :)

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