Red Platy


New Member
Jul 8, 2010
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My fish has these crystal like substances on its skin and I am trying to find out what it is and what has caused it. I had 3 platys and now I am down to one. I have a feeling this has something to do with it because my water has tested okay.

help please.
No I do not, sorry. It is also happening to 1 of my glowfish.
Its almost like a fuzzy covering in a way.
Hmm I don't wanna give wrong advice coz i don't know much but it sounds like white spot/fungus/velvet. I BELIEVE all are quite easy to treat but you might wanna wait for someone more experienced to help you.
It does sound like white spot/ich. You can treat it easily by buying medication for it from a fish store, or you can gradually raise the temperature of your tank to around 30'C ensuring there is good aeration in the water. Personally I would recommend getting the medication.
don't treat without properly identifying the cause or you'll likely make a bad situation worse, post some pictures and you'll have more luck with a answer.
I am using ich medication this evening. I hope it works out okay. I want to thank everyone for their insight.

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