Red Line Torpedo Barbs


Jun 5, 2006
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HI All,

I was in my LFS yesterday and I noticed he had some Red line torpedo Barbs, at least I think thats what he said they were. Has anyone had any experience of these, I would like to get a few because I thought they looked stunning. I currently have 4 Zebra Danios and 6 Neon Tetras and I purchased 4 Algae Shrimps from this guy yesterday, arent they fascinating to watch, my kids were spellbound when I put them in. Anyway back to the question in hand. Has anyone got any and what are they like?

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if you do a search on this forum ( i typed torpedo barb as keywords) you'll find quite a few threads & posts on these fish. sorry i dont know how to link to the posts.
i havent kept them but they are beautiful but all i know is they should be kept in groups & i think they can grow quite big.
if you do a search on this forum ( i typed torpedo barb as keywords) you'll find quite a few threads & posts on these fish. sorry i dont know how to link to the posts.
i havent kept them but they are beautiful but all i know is they should be kept in groups & i think they can grow quite big.

they are also very expensive as they are very rare and endangered. They dont grow to big sizes but do move around alot and enjoy lots of plants. I have seen them kept single and in groups. i would min of 40g tank or 55g for a school.
i am now planning on getting a few of these. i will let you know as well.
I;ve been heavily researching these....

and aparently, they need groups of 5+, perferably 6+ in at least 55 gallon tanks....

so if you have that, go for it....

okay i viewed your tank. 180 liters = 47.5509692 US gallons...

and you have a bow/triangle tank... I don't think it's right for the buddies.... but dunno!

I want them just as bad for my 40 us gallon hex as well T-T... Tempted to get 2-3 anyways, but to be nice... meh...
You need at least a 4 foot long tank for these guys. They are very active and need some distance they can swim.
Around here they come in every so often.. I've seen 2'' ones for $25.. and at another place I've seen 4'' ones for $25... keep in mind these are in Canadian funds.

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