Red Line Rasbora


Big and BAD!
Jan 20, 2006
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any one kept these? if so how well do they fare? i`m looking at some for my planted tank
Rasbora pauciperforata, they're great little things. A bit shy, but if they have a lot of plants where they dodge in if they feel threatened, they do fine. Totally peaceful, eat all the regular foods. When spawning, the male turns a very dark brown above, almost black with the red line shining, awesome sight.

Although the adults can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, the fry don't survive above pH 6. At about 15mm they can be weaned into whatever you are using in your display tanks.
well a ph of 6 or below is what i`m looking at (still waiting for my ADA soil sibstrate to stablaise with the ph/kh)
so they sound excelent, they`l be kept with 2 large goramis and a large angel, the angel is very placid and shouldn`t go for them once he`s established his teritory.

I`m hoping that with the large fish in the tank it shoul make them school a little, there will be plenty of cover for them so they should feel safe
they look lovely

instead of or as well as splash tetra's?
I'd watch the Angel as it grows. The Rasboras don't go much over 50mm and are pretty slim, I'd expect then to be edible to a large Angel.
the angel is pretty much fully grown, and leave baby otto`s, ammano shrimp, and neon tetras alone so i can`t see him going for these especialy as the ones i`ve seen in the LFS are already aprox 30mm
Fair enough. Nice little fish.

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