Red Light


Fish Addict
Jun 14, 2007
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I have been thinking having a ligh added to my tank for nocturnal viewing but dont fancy buying to many red lights,
Im curious if I add an acrylic sheet between the lig and the hood, and cover it with a red plastic sheeting would this work,
and what would it this plastic be called LOL
thanks for the help.
What wattage bulbs have you got, cause I have two 38 watt strip bulbs and they produce a lot of heat. If you were to use coloure film, you would have to purchase gel film, the same as they use to colour light in concerts and london shows, they can handle the heat. But if your lights are high wattage, it still might cast a bright red light and your fish may still not come out.

I wanted a moon light affect in my tank, cause i have a moon light bult in my hood, but its too bright and I can't turm my bulbs on/off independly as I have two. I found a string on here suggesting using cold cathode 12" neons, the same as you would put in your personal computer. I wired it into a phone charger and hey presto, low level blue light. They cost 3 quid for two 12". Cant tell you if they do red lights.
I have been thinking having a ligh added to my tank for nocturnal viewing but dont fancy buying to many red lights,
Im curious if I add an acrylic sheet between the lig and the hood, and cover it with a red plastic sheeting would this work,
and what would it this plastic be called LOL
thanks for the help.

you could get coloured filters from photographic shops, or theatrical suppliers. they are made to put over much hotter lights than you are likely to have in your tank. :good: its also a very good and cheap way of checking our lighting effects, before you purchase. but you may also consider using led lights these run on low power and you can use nail varnish to colour them :hyper:

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