Red Legged Hermits....


Fish Geek
May 8, 2006
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Hi, you may/may not have seen my latest additions - more red legged hermits... These are larger than the others in the tank

For those who have not - this is the Mc Daddy


Now the beast in the picture above took great delight in seeing another red legged hermit falling off the rocks so he decided to go get him, like get on top and start nipping him with its claws. Now this was like Big Daddy beating up on Mr. Bean

I pushed him off and within a minute, he had locked back on. The small one is still alive but not happy, infact its one pis**** off hermit...

Is it usual for these to fight (and most probably kill each other)??
I have seen it before!

I bought two blue black legs and one was a bit wimpy, next day he was eaten!!

I think its dependant really!

Like fish, if they injured or dying the others eat them?
just speculation hth


The smaller RLH was not hurt or anything - it was just smaller.... Guess the bigger one (about 3 x bigger) was just after something more tasty than crap from the substrate!!
haha I did and it just went back for more...

Will let nature take its course now :good:
I have a big 'un in my tank like that too.. I've seen him beating on a couple of smaller ones but he normally just does it for a minute and gets bored because they've gone into their shell. Have you got a few "upgrade" shells for them in there?
Yea, quite a few spare shells of varying sizes around the tank....

Fingers crossed they just get bored!
Red legs are noramlly very laid back and tend not to cause any issues, while blue legs will beat the living poo out of each other for no apparent reason, if hes new to the tank hes probably just setting out his pecking order or he may just be very hungry. Ive never seen my red legs atempt to hurt anything in the tank so it must be an isolated incident. Stick them at opposite ends of the tank. It may be that the smaller one has just shed so the bigger one sees him as a bit of a
we have 7 or 8 in our marine tank and we bought a little grabber to seperate them as they fight all the time lol just seperate them from each other , opposite ends of the tank :)

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