Red-legged Hermit Crabs


Fish Fanatic
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Cumbria, UK
New to the marine game so always needing advice.

My Orca 450 (58L) is cycling (only 2 weeks - still lots of waiting ahead) and so now I'm trying to finalise my CUC decisions - for when the tank is ready for them and not before!

I was thinking of 4 Cerith snails, 4 Nassarius snails and 2 Turbo snails - any opinons?

A shrimp or two? Any suggestions?

And then the BAD boys or the GOOD boys (depending on what you read) - Hermit crabs!! I was thinking about 2 red-legged ones but have read so much conflicting information I don't know what to do. I would put a variety of empty, round based shells in the tank to reduce the possibity of a snail attack but do they do other damage?

I need advice from those who have had them.

Red legs are ok from a compatibility point of view but they tend to be a bit lazy when it comes to cleaning up. Blue knuckles are very peaceful and do a reasonable job on clean up. Blue legs have got quite an appetite but can bicker a bit (not found it with my little ones though).

Good luck with the cycle.
The problem with a lot of crabs in general (including hermit crabs) are that they are very ppportunistic feeders. I found in my nano (had an orca 450 too :) ) that the hermit crabs killed every snail I put in there. However I'm also not 100% sure that the snails I got where very healthy so it may have been a case of the snails dying first and the crabs eating them after.

So far in my bigger tank the hermits have left the snails alone (only been 2 weeks though). If you provide them with enough shells and there is enough for them to eat they should be ok.

I would say its worth taking the risk anyway. They are not overly great for cleaning up (other then finishing any left over food) but they are great to watch :) In terms of a good CUC I would say snails are going to do a better job but are not as interesting.
good choice on snails, you could have a great cuc of different snails, but then hermit crabs are awesomely cool, it would be like happy days without the fonz if you left hermits out.

im a fan of sallylightfoots and emeralds as well, both of which ive had great success with but some others are wary of them.
Red-legged hermits it is then although I'll now always think of the Fonz whilst watching them! :angry:

Thanks all
Remember to provide a variaty of different size shells for your hermits, if you don't when your crabs get to big for thier shells they might kill your snails and pinch thier shells.

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