Red Leg Versus Blue Leg Hermits


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2005
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Hi everyone,

Could someone settle an arguement, when I first setup my tank a couple of years ago, I bought a cleanup crew of snails and blue legged hermits. The fish store said they were the less agressive than the red legs and wouldnt haress the snails for their shell.

More recently when I was down at my LFS they said that the blue legged was the worse and the red were quieter. I'm confused, I havent noticed a slaughter of the snails since I bought them apart from the odd empty shell most of them are still alive but they do have some nice red legs for sale so I thought I would seek the best advice out there.

Could anyone settle this discussion :/ Cheers
IME, "bluelegs" sold cheaply at most LFS' are much more aggressive than "redleg" hermits
Yup.. my red legs are really laid back little guys that clean a little and rest most of the day just chillin :) Where as the bluelegs are little demons, will beat the poo out of each other when any chance arrises and will pry on other hermits when they shed and are soft :(
I also have a larger black legged guy.. hes very laid back too, will clean the others shells but Ive never seen him be agressive to anything in the tank.
Thanks guys,

looks like to reds have it, I'll just keep an eye out until they are no more then replace with Reds.

Much appreciated.
Hi Littleme1969,

On a slightly different subject, noticed you are from the york area. Do you have any good fish shops, always on the look out for new shops with something different, with York being about an hours drive from Rotherham its always a good excuse for afternoon in York and maybe a visit to a fish shop, keeps the wife happy :rolleyes: .

LOL.. Dont bother, York has to be the worst place on the planet for anything marine. I have to get all my stuff off the net or its an hours drive to any decent shops :(

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