Red Hump Eartheater Not Eating


Mostly New Member
Jan 19, 2014
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Hello world,
    Two days ago I purchased a Red Hump Geophagus around two inches in length. According to my LFS he was eating readily but is now refusing food. I had him in my 55 gallon but my geophagus brasilensis was roughing him up so I moved him to my 40 breeder yesterday. All the fish are leaving him alone and there is plenty of rockwork in the tank for him to use as a refuge. As of yesterday he was doing fine, in fact he was even taking frozen food though Im not sure if he swallowed it (it appeared that he did).  Today things seem much worse; he has his fins clamped, is rubbing himself on the substrate, is shaking rather sporadically at times, and is staying under the cover of the rocks. He is no longer eating and has stringy waste which ive read could indicate bloat!? I can isolate him to my 30 gallon if I need to (inhabited by a BN pleco and two danios), the current inhabitants can be moved out if needed, but I wanted a community opinion on my course of action before I do anything I regret or stress the fish further if it is simply a matter of insecurity in his new environment. 

Thank you
I would give him a day or two and if his condition deteriorates take action then. It's likely that he's a little spooked about his new environment. Keep a close eye on him though just in case something more sinister is at play.
I believe something more sinister may be at play. He has shown no improvement over the past 2 days in his new surroundings and his health seems to be deteriorating. What course of action should I take? Should I hospitalize him or will that cause him more stress then benefit? Should I plan on waiting another day to make sure he is ill or should I act now? Im a bit panicked and any advice would be greatly appreciated. 
tetraodon_biocellatus said:
I believe something more sinister may be at play. He has shown no improvement over the past 2 days in his new surroundings and his health seems to be deteriorating. What course of action should I take? Should I hospitalize him or will that cause him more stress then benefit? Should I plan on waiting another day to make sure he is ill or should I act now? Im a bit panicked and any advice would be greatly appreciated. 
If the water conditions are stable and he's not being picked on by the fish in that tank then he may not need to be separated. THe move will stress him no doubt but if he needs separating it's better sooner than later before the disease progresses. IT may help if you post a picture of the fish so that I can see exactly what his symptoms.
However, If the fish in the tank with him are stealing all the food before he can get to it or you fear that his illness may spread to the other fish,
Call the LFS and see if any of their fish exhibit the same symptoms if you like, maybe he picked up a bug from the fish store.

From what you've told me it does sound like he may be bloated.
Here is a article I find useful in diagnosing and treating it:

Good luck and I hope he gets better! Be sure to update me on his progress.
Also, what are you feeding him? Some foods for cichlids are more likely to cause bloat then others.
He was in his own tank at the LFS, I asked the owner if he was taking food because I have had problems in the past especially with eartheaters purchased from this store. He may have lied to me though I doubt he was, the fish appeared healthy at the time of purchase. Since my last post the fish has grown rather lethargic, he is sitting in a cave (with his mouth open?), its rather terrifying to see. He is breathing so he isnt dead. At this point he doesn't pursue food very actively, if at all. Im working on getting a picture, I believe I am going to isolate him and get back to you on his condition once I can get a clear photo. Thank you.
I hospitalized him, he is rather active but is not taking food. I tried giving him frozen brine shrimp soaked in metronidazole but he did not ingest it. I went ahead and dosed the water with it as directed on the package anyway, will this destroy my bacterial colony in my hospital tank? Also Im not sure that this stuff works for freshwater fish unless ingested? Any insight? I am going out of town soon so I am rapidly running out of time. He hasnt been passing waste, should I try peas covered in garlic or something? Please help if you can. His mouth is also swollen which could be inhibiting feeding. Should I try a salt bath?

This article has much information on treatment of bloat. Salt baths can help against bloat. Peas are also useful, that's how I deal with most diseases in aquariums.
I can't say whether metronidazole will kill bacteria having never used it myself.
You are doing as much as possible for your little buddy, I hope he pulls through.
It may have not been eating from stress, and having all those other fish but not the normal 5+ other geos for a proper social structure. I cant say ive ever had problems with geos eating for myself, one my winemilleri honestly looks likes he going to explode after feeding, so i wont be much help, my apologies. 
Have you tried making your own gelatin type food? He/she may like it.
Another thing to try if you havent is bloodworms, mine seem to love it, as well as small pieces of cut up market shrimp.
The mouth is completely abnormal though, it seems very bloated right now, so there may be an infection near its mouth. 
I dont know if you would want to right now, but if it heals i would up its group by 4+ if you can and if it doesnt overstock the tank. Really hope the little guy recovers :/
could it be internal parasites? some of the symptoms of IP are ate play here
Thank you all for your insight. He died this morning. Youre all very kind for responding and I will definitely keep this information on file if I ever have to deal with something like this again.
I have other eartheaters none of which are from my LFS, they are all very voracious eaters. My LFS does not have a very good track record especially with south americans. I will definitely try again with this species but I think Ill order offline, that way I can have a healthy group. 
Im pretty torn up over his loss, but I understand its part of the hobby. 
Thank you for your support, and merry christmas.
sorry to hear that t_b he is in a better place

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