Red Gills


New Member
Sep 23, 2008
Reaction score
Johnstone, Scotland
Hi All,

Recently added some new wood to the tank. Made all the proper precautions. Boiled, Baked Scrubed the works !!

Added to the tank on Saturday and all has been fine until today when i noticed some of my fish have develpoed red gills,

Clown Loaches, Serpias, Lemon Tets and Neons have them. Gourami, Red Eye Tets & Silver Tips not affected.

Any clues guys. Ph Fine, Ammonia and nitrates fine.

Could it be the temp now the wood is in. it is quite a big piece.
How many gallon is the tank.
Can you post your water stats please.

Do the gills look inflamed or look like there bleeding.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Are any fish darting around the tank.
Any excess mucas on the gills.
Do the fish swim in a jerky movement.
Do the fish labour breath or gasp.
Added any chemical to the tank that could be irratating there gills.
Is there enough aeration in the tank.

Red gills can be bad water quality, gill flukes, bacterial gill rot.

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