red-finned shark


New Member
Dec 14, 2004
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my shark is extremely territoral especially in the morn when im feeding them it attacks the other fish espcially both my platys and both my dannio what can i do about this cause he is a bully and is putting the other fish under stress

my tank is a 60 gallon
and i have
2 platys
2 dannios
3 neons
2 guppies
1 shark

also what other food can they eat (apart from fish food)

cheers nick
why has my topic been moved what does it mean
Red tailed black sharks are very territorial and will grow more aggressive with age. Some people luck out and get a docile one....but most ( including me ) end up with a terror who will constantly chase and stress other tank inhabitants. I've since added my 5" RTB with a pair of Severums and he still tries to bully them :lol: . You could try feeding at lights out....but this probably wont stop any of the aggression that these fish have.
BTW, u have a load of shoaling fish not in shoals. IME, i reckon in a 60G u should be able 2 create a shoal of each type of those fish obv. apart from the RTS.
I agree with DMan99, all the other fish species need to be in groups except for the RFS. If they are kept in pairs like that, they are much more likely to get stressed by the RFS, because they find safety in numbers.

Other than that, you could just try to add some hideouts and feed in both ends of the tank at once.

What do you mean by fish food? Flakes? Other than flakes there are various sinking pellets and tables which the RFS would enjoy. You could also get some frozen foods, such as mosquito larvae or other small invertebrates, most fish love that. :)
Most RTS are little monsters at times, including mine. I have him with my Clown Loaches, he doesn't pick on them :p

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