Fish Crazy
Is there anything i need to know about red finned sharks.(Im a noob so i need info on this fish i just bought)
Do you mean a red tail black shark or a rainbow shark?
They grow to around 5 inches are semi-aggressive towards fish of other species and highly aggressive towards fish of the same species or fish that look very similair. They should be kept in atleast 30 gallons preferably more with fast fairly aggressive fish. I have kept the slightly less aggressive rainbow shark with gold blue and dwarf gourami's and he chased them constantly ripping them up. They don't seem to mess with very large or small fish and prefer a well planted or heavily decorated tank with lots of low dark tunnels. They are less aggressive as juveniles but at around 3-4 inches will begin to show there true colors. They pale when frightened or stressed. One of the rainbow sharks I kept is currently with a 4 inch convict and lots of juvenile convicts in a 55 gallon tank and he is doing ok. This may be too aggressive of a set up but if he starts getting beat up he will be taken to a good lfs.