Red Fantail acting weird?? or maybe it's normal???


Fish Crazy
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
Gdl, Mexico

I have 2 Red Fantail, and I was jut wondering if its normal that even though I feed them twice a day (small portions) they always seem to be hungry, I mean, they are always looking for food at the bottom (sucking and spitting the gravel) I also have like a death coral or reef (not sure what it is) and they also suck on it like trying to find food at its cavities, this is like they always behave but I just started wondering if I'm not feeding them enough or if this is a normal behavior for these fish.

As you can see in my signature they share the tank with other members and they don't spend their time searching like the Red Fantails do. Maybe they need more food than the other guys but I'm afraid I'll over feed the other ones, does anyone know???
To me a FanTail is a coldwater fish, a type of fancy goldfish with a double caudal fin. Do you have a picture of these fish?

As a part answer, looking for food is a very healthy thing for a fish to be doing. It is difficult to be totally sure though without knowing what kind of fish we are talking about.

An observation, if you have dead coral in your tank, this will slowly dissolve increasing both your pH and hardness. Any material that fizzes if you put some vinegar on it really should not be in a freshwater tank, (the exception being rift valley systems).
thanks for your reply, here's a link of the pic:

Also, what does "Any material that fizzes" means exactly?? is it like foam or something ?? english is not my main language and I've never heard of that word before :*) I also didn't test it for vinegar since the person who owned the tank already had that in it, he had it for a bout 6 months before passing it to my mom so I guess that it's ok, but I'll still like to know so that I can test it myself.
shuhu said:
thanks for your reply, here's a link of the pic:
Red Fantail

Also, what does "Any material that fizzes" means exactly?? is it like foam or something ?? english is not my main language and I've never heard of that word before :*) I also didn't test it for vinegar since the person who owned the tank already had that in it, he had it for a bout 6 months before passing it to my mom so I guess that it's ok, but I'll still like to know so that I can test it myself.
yes, that's a coldwater fish... although "coldwater" really just means water between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. (about 10 to 23 degrees C)

by "Any material that fizzes" he means that if you put vinegar or a strong acid on something, it foams or makes a sizzling noise--like when you put hydrogen peroxide on a cut. "fizz" means to bubble while making a noise (a Coca-Cola would be a "fizzy"drink).

a dead coral will eventually dissolve in water; its mostly just calcium carbonate. unless you have acidic water with a low mineral content, dead coral really isn't a good decorating material.
ok, so if I put some vinegar and it doesn't fizzes, should I clean it with tap water afterwards??? and for how long???
yes a quick rinse with tap water couldn't hurt although the best way to clean off the vinegar would be to dunk the item in a bucket of dirty tank water a few times during a water change. ;)

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